October 2020 2 229 Report
artikan ke bahasa Indonesia yah
1.yes l have but it only helps a little
2.maybe you just have to take some rest in onder to get well soon
3.you are right in fact l have been to the toilet many times today
4.poor you. you need to drink a lot of water so that you will
not get dehydrated
5.this is a good lesson for me l never care about what l eat
6.right guys don't forget to wash your fruits and vegetables before you eat them so you will not take any germs into your tummy
7.yes, boss you are right we should always clean our food well l should be more careful now
8.dayu you look very pale l think you need to see the doctor soon in order to get help don't take diarrhea lightly
9.no of course not actually my mom is on her way from the office to take me to the hospital
10.good we'll help you to get ready now

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