July 2023 1 16 Report
Read this summary of the first six chapters of
a. Complete using VERB BE from a) to h).
The story 1.(begin) with Martín Fierro sitting at a bar. He 2. (decide) to tell his story, and to it,
he decides to become a singer. He 3. (say) that his story a)AM/IS/ARE filled with sorrow and
tears, but that his poem b)AM/IS/ARE authentic and true. His
story starts happy and peaceful, but that turns when the authorities 4.(get) involved. He lives
with his wife and kids in a rural zone of La Pampa doing hard labour like tilling the dirt, taking
care of the animals, etc. But when the authorities 5.( need) the help of the gauchos to fight
wars and defend the frontiers, that stable life 6.( get) turned around. One day,
Martín Fierro 7. (get) imprisoned while singing in the bar. He 8.(get) taken to the frontier to
defend it from indios that c) AM/IS/ARE trying to occupy our territory. However, the indios d)
AM/IS/ARE armed and know their way around wars, so they 9. (expect) the gauchos at the
frontier. Martín Fierro 10. ( have) rudimentary weapons, so he was constantly in danger
while in the frontier. One day, he had to kill an indio in order to survive. Despite the hard
work the gauchos e) AM/IS/ARE doing at defending their territory, the authorities f) AM
NOT/IS NOT/ ARE NOT paying them anything. A year 11.(pass) and they 12.( not get) paid a
dime. Martin Fierro fantasizes of pretending to be an indio and escaping. Martín Fierro finally
13.( manage) to steal a horse from the authorities and escapes. He 14.( go) to his house to
reunite with his family but when he gets there, they g)AM/ IS /ARE nowhere to be seen. He h)
AM/ IS / ARE informed that his children were forced to work as pawns and his wife was forced
to marry another man. Because of that, he 15.(decide) to become a gaucho matrero, in other
words, a delinquent, a person without fear towards authority.

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