150 g zimnego masła 1 żółtko 1 jajko 30 g drobnego cukru lub cukru pudru 240 g mąki szczypta soli
do posmarowania: żółtko wymieszane z łyżeczką śmietany
Wszystkie składniki szybko zagnieść - można to zrobić w mikserze. Krótkie zagniatanie sprawi, że ciasto będzie kruche. Zwinąć w kulę, zawinąć w folię spożywczą i schłodzić w lodówce przez 30 minut. W tym czasie przygotować:
800 g jabłek 50 g masła cukier do smaku (użyłam 150 g, ale moje jabłka - Boskop - były bardzo kwaśne) 2 łyżeczki przyprawy do piernika (może być cynamon, goździki, imbir - kwestia smaku i gustu :) opcjonalnie: garść rodzynek
Jabłka obrać i pokroić w plasterki. Masło rozgrzać na patelni, dodać przyprawy, chwilę (2-3 minuty) smażyć na małym ogniu. Dodać jabłka. Po ok. 5-7 minutach dodać cukier. Poddusić chwilę do czasu, aż jabłka zaczną mięknąć. Zestawić z ognia.
Wyjąć ciasto z lodówki. Podzielić na 2 części - w proporcjach 40% i 60%. Formę do Apple pie, talerz ceramiczny lub formę do tarty o średnicy 24-26 cm wyłożyć większą częścią ciasta - w tym celu należy je rozwałkować - najłatwiej zrobić to używając dwóch kawałków folii spożywczej i wałkując między nimi. Dzięki takiej metodzie ciasto łatwo będzie można przełożyć do formy. Piekarnik nagrzać do 180 st C. Ciasto ponakłuwać widelcem, przykryć kawałkiem papieru do pieczenia i wsypać suchą fasolę (dzięki niej ciasto nie będzie się podnosić podczas pieczenia). Wstawić do piekarnika na 15 minut. Wyjąć fasolę i papier. Ciasto odstawić do lekkiego ostudzenia. Na podpieczony spód wyłożyć jabłka i rodzynki (jeśli ich używamy). Drugą część ciasta rozwałkować i ułożyć na wierzchu jabłek - ważne, by ciasta nie ukłądać na gorących jabłkach, bo się rozpuści. Brzegi skleić, wierzch ponakłuwać widelcem. Ciasto posmarować żółtkiem wymieszanym z 1 łyżeczką śmietany. Wstawić do piekarnika, zmniejszyć temp. do 175 st C i piec ok. 30-35 minut - do czasu zrumienienia górnej warstwy. Przed podaniem ostudzić. Ciasto najlepiej smakuje w dniu pieczenia.
150 g cold butter 1 egg yolk 1 egg 30 g fine sugar or icing sugar 240 g flour pinch of salt
posmarowania the yolk mixed with a teaspoon of cream
Quickly knead all the ingredients - you can do it in the blender. Short kneading will make dough will be fragile. Collapse into a ball, wrap in foil and cool the food in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. During this time, prepare:
800 g apples 50 g butter sugar to taste (I used 150 grams, but my apple - Boskop - were very sour) 2 teaspoons seasoning for gingerbread (perhaps cinnamon, cloves, ginger - the question of taste and taste:) optional: a handful of raisins
Peel apples and cut into slices. Heat butter in a pan, add spices, instant (2-3 minutes ) Fry on low heat. Add apples. After about 5-7 minutes, add sugar. Stew a while until the apples begin to soften. Correlated with fire.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Divided into 2 parts - the proportion of 40% and 60%. The form of the Apple pie, or a ceramic plate to form tarts with a diameter of 24-26 cm to spend the bulk of the dough - for this purpose should be pin out - the easiest way to do it using two pieces of film and food between them. With this method, the dough can be translated easily into a mold. Warm oven to 180 ° C. Prick dough with a fork, cover with a piece of baking paper and pour dry beans (through the dough will not lift during baking). Insert into the oven for 15 minutes. Remove beans and paper. Dough aside until slightly lowering. Podpieczony expound on the bottom, apples and raisins (if using). The second part of the pin out the dough and lay on top of apples - it was important that the dough does not lay on the hot apples, because it dissolves. Glue edges, top ponakłuwać fork. Brush the dough egg yolk mixed with 1 teaspoon cream. Insert into the oven, reduce temperature to 175 ° C and bake about 30-35 minutes - until confounded upper layer. Cool before serving. Cake tastes best the day baking.
150 g of cold butter 1 vitellus 1 egg 30 g of change of sugar or the sugar of powder 240 g of flour pinch of salt
to greasing: mixed from teaspoon of cream vitellus
To knead all components quickly - can this make in mixer. Short kneading will cause, that cake will be fragile. To roll up in sphere, to wrap up in food foil and to chill in refrigerator by 30 minutes. In this time to prepare:
800 g of apples 50 g of butter sugar to taste ( I used 150 g, but my apples - Boskop - were very acid) 2 teaspoon of spice to ginger - bread ( the cinnamon can be the, carnations, the ginger - the matter of taste and the taste :) opcjonalnie: handful raisin
To peel apple and to cut in slices. To warm up on frying pan butter, to add spice, moment (2-3 minute) to fry on small fire. To add apple. After ok. 5-7 minutes to add sugar. To stew moment to time, until apples begin softening. To take down with fire.
To take out from refrigerator cake. To divide on 2 part - in proportions 40% and 60%. Form to Apple pie, ceramic plate or form to grated about diameter 24-26 cm to lie out with larger part of cake - in this aim one should it pin - the most easily to make this using two pieces of food foil and rolling out between them. Will can easily shift to form thanks such method cake. To warm to 180 st C. oven To ponakłuwać cake fork, to cover to baking with piece of paper and to pour dry bean (thanks her cake will not will rise up during baking). To put in to oven on 15 minutes. To take out bean and paper. To put away cake to light cooling. On podpieczony bottom to lie out apple and raisins (if we use them). To pin second part of cake and to arrange at the top apples - important, to cake not ukłądać on hot apples, because oneself it will dissolve. To to glue up banks, to ponakłuwać top fork. To grease the cake the vitellus mixed from 1 teaspoon of cream. To put in to oven, to reduce temp. to 175 st C and stove ok. 30-35 minutes - to time browning upper layer. Before application to cool. The cake the best tastes in day of baking.
1 egg yolk
1 egg
30 g fine sugar or icing sugar
240 g flour
pinch of salt
posmarowania the yolk mixed with a teaspoon of cream
Quickly knead all the ingredients - you can do it in the blender. Short kneading will make dough will be fragile. Collapse into a ball, wrap in foil and cool the food in the refrigerator for
30 minutes.
During this time, prepare:
800 g apples
50 g butter
sugar to taste (I used 150 grams, but my apple - Boskop - were very sour)
2 teaspoons seasoning for gingerbread (perhaps cinnamon, cloves, ginger - the question of taste and taste:)
optional: a handful of raisins
Peel apples and cut into slices.
Heat butter in a pan, add spices, instant (2-3 minutes
) Fry on low heat. Add apples. After about 5-7 minutes, add sugar. Stew a while until the apples begin to soften.
Correlated with fire.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Divided into 2 parts - the proportion of 40% and 60%.
The form of the Apple pie, or a ceramic plate to form tarts with a diameter of 24-26 cm to spend the bulk of the dough - for this purpose should be pin out - the easiest way to do it using two pieces of film and food between them. With this method, the dough can be translated easily into a mold.
Warm oven to 180 ° C.
Prick dough with a fork, cover with a piece of baking paper and pour dry beans (through the dough will not lift during baking). Insert into the oven for 15 minutes.
Remove beans and paper. Dough aside until slightly lowering.
Podpieczony expound on the bottom, apples and raisins (if using).
The second part of the pin out the dough and lay on top of apples - it was important that the dough does not lay on the hot apples, because it dissolves.
Glue edges, top ponakłuwać fork.
Brush the dough egg yolk mixed with 1 teaspoon cream.
Insert into the oven, reduce temperature to 175 ° C and bake about 30-35 minutes - until confounded upper layer.
Cool before serving.
Cake tastes best the day
Bon Appetit!
150 g of cold butter
1 vitellus
1 egg
30 g of change of sugar or the sugar of powder
240 g of flour
pinch of salt
to greasing: mixed from teaspoon of cream vitellus
To knead all components quickly - can this make in mixer. Short kneading will cause, that cake will be fragile. To roll up in sphere, to wrap up in food foil and to chill in refrigerator by 30 minutes.
In this time to prepare:
800 g of apples
50 g of butter
sugar to taste ( I used 150 g, but my apples - Boskop - were very acid)
2 teaspoon of spice to ginger - bread ( the cinnamon can be the, carnations, the ginger - the matter of taste and the taste :)
opcjonalnie: handful raisin
To peel apple and to cut in slices.
To warm up on frying pan butter, to add spice, moment (2-3 minute) to fry on small fire. To add apple. After ok. 5-7 minutes to add sugar. To stew moment to time, until apples begin softening.
To take down with fire.
To take out from refrigerator cake. To divide on 2 part - in proportions 40% and 60%.
Form to Apple pie, ceramic plate or form to grated about diameter 24-26 cm to lie out with larger part of cake - in this aim one should it pin - the most easily to make this using two pieces of food foil and rolling out between them. Will can easily shift to form thanks such method cake.
To warm to 180 st C. oven
To ponakłuwać cake fork, to cover to baking with piece of paper and to pour dry bean (thanks her cake will not will rise up during baking). To put in to oven on 15 minutes.
To take out bean and paper. To put away cake to light cooling.
On podpieczony bottom to lie out apple and raisins (if we use them).
To pin second part of cake and to arrange at the top apples - important, to cake not ukłądać on hot apples, because oneself it will dissolve.
To to glue up banks, to ponakłuwać top fork.
To grease the cake the vitellus mixed from 1 teaspoon of cream.
To put in to oven, to reduce temp. to 175 st C and stove ok. 30-35 minutes - to time browning upper layer.
Before application to cool.
The cake the best tastes in day of baking.