Apakah perbedaan antara warning, caution, dan notice? berikan contoh masing-masing 5 contoh
Notice : memberikan informasi sedangkan caution/warning meberikan peringatan/saran contoh : No Entrance , Keep silent , No Littering . *semoga menbantu*
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NOTICE : To ask attention of important information or rule. If you break it, you could be sanctioned.(Untuk meminta perhatian dari informasi penting atau aturan. Jika Anda melanggar, Anda bisa dikenakan sanksi Example: Keep of the grass!, keep door closed at all times,any brotheror sister whose role doesnot require them to enter this area must keep out,no trespassing,chemical storage CAUTION : To give a sign of hazard the cause moderate injury if you don't follow,you will be moderatelyinjured( Untuk memberikan tanda bahaya penyebab cedera moderat jika Anda tidak mengikuti, Anda akan cukup terluka . Risk: light injury. Example: Wet Floor,floor slipery when wet,drive slow at childrenplay , do not enter, donot throw trash in toilet,chemical storage
WARNING : To give asign of hazard that cause extreme injury or death.Risk:hard injury or dead.( Untuk memberikan asign bahaya yang menyebabkan cedera ekstrim atau death.Risk: cedera keras atau mati. ) Example: Poison!Keep,do not enter,high voltage,no pets allowed,flammable liquid,very hot water
If you break it, you could be sanctioned.(Untuk meminta perhatian dari informasi penting atau aturan. Jika Anda melanggar, Anda bisa dikenakan sanksi
Example: Keep of the grass!, keep door closed at all times,any brotheror sister whose role doesnot require them to enter this area must keep out,no trespassing,chemical storage
CAUTION : To give a sign of hazard the cause moderate injury if you don't follow,you will be moderatelyinjured( Untuk memberikan tanda bahaya penyebab cedera moderat jika Anda tidak mengikuti, Anda akan cukup terluka
. Risk: light injury.
Example: Wet Floor,floor slipery when wet,drive slow at childrenplay , do not enter, donot throw trash in toilet,chemical storage
WARNING : To give asign of hazard that cause extreme injury or death.Risk:hard injury or dead.( Untuk memberikan asign bahaya yang menyebabkan cedera ekstrim atau death.Risk: cedera keras atau mati. )
Example: Poison!Keep,do not enter,high voltage,no pets allowed,flammable liquid,very hot water