Dalam Bahasa Inggris, sebagaimana dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kita mengenal berbagai jenis kalimat. Beberapa di antaranya mencakup kalimat tanya, kalimat negatif, positif, perintah, dan lain sebagainya. Masing-masing kalimat memiliki ciri khas masing-masing. Kalimat tanya, misalnya, selalu diakhiri dengan tanda tanda sebelum tanda kutip ganda dan bertujuan untuk memperolelh informasi dari narasumber. Namun, berbeda dengan Bahasa Indonesia, penulisan kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris memiliki peraturan yang lebih kompleks, terutama terkait Tenses yang digunakan.
Pada kesempatan kali ini, soal meminta kita untuk membuat 50 tanggapan dari kalimat, "How are you doing?" Jika ditinjau dari segi makna, kalimat ini bermakna "Bagaimana kabarmu?" Hati-hati, kalimat ini sering disalahartikan sebagai "what are you doing?" Kedua kalimat ini sangat berbeda karena "What are you doing?" memiliki makna "Apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan?"
Berikut kakak akan mencoba membuat sebanyak mungkin (mungkin tidak mencapai 50 jawaban) untuk kalimat "How are you doing?"
1. I am fine, thank you.
2. I am good.
3. Great, thanks
4. Not so good today.
5. I am not feeling well.
6. Should I answer that question?
7. I have a cold.
8. A bit tired.
9. I am feeling dizzy.
10. Why do you care?
11. I think I'm going to vomit.
12. I think I am having a nausea.
13. Not as good as yesterday.
14. I am trying to feel well.
15. I think I have a migraine.
16. I think I have a stomachache
17. I think I have to go to see a doctor
18. Not so great. Can you call a doctor for me?
19. There is something wrong with my stomach. Can you please call my mother?
20. My mouth tastes weird. I am going to visit the doctor this morning.
21. My leg hurts.
22. My arm hurts.
23. I feel pain on my shoulder. I have to check it soon.
24. There is something wrong with my wrist.
25. I am feeling great today.
26. Fabulous, the sun can't hold my bright mood.
27. I need a sleep.
28. My eyes are getting heavier. See you soon.
29. As great as always.
30. As healthy as a racing horse.
31. There is something wrong with my eye. Can you please check it?
32. There is something wrong with my ankle. Perhaps I need to see a doctor.
33. I feel a bit sleepy.
34. Not as good as always.
35. Fantastic!
36. I am feeling gorgeous!
37. Charming!
38. As beautiful as a princess!
39. Wonderful!
40. Fantastic! I can't wait to show my magic!
41. I am feeling perfect!
42. Great! Not even the dark clouds can break my mood today.
43. I am feeling tired because I slept late yesterday.
44. Wonderful. How are you doing today?
45. Sorry, I am not interested in that question.
46. Great, but do I know you?
47. Fine, let's celebrate this morning.
48. Superb!
49. Fabulous! I am feeling perfect today!
50. As cool as the wind.
Contoh lain tentang kalimat tanya dapat kamu pelajari pada halaman berikut:
Dalam Bahasa Inggris, sebagaimana dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kita mengenal berbagai jenis kalimat. Beberapa di antaranya mencakup kalimat tanya, kalimat negatif, positif, perintah, dan lain sebagainya. Masing-masing kalimat memiliki ciri khas masing-masing. Kalimat tanya, misalnya, selalu diakhiri dengan tanda tanda sebelum tanda kutip ganda dan bertujuan untuk memperolelh informasi dari narasumber. Namun, berbeda dengan Bahasa Indonesia, penulisan kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris memiliki peraturan yang lebih kompleks, terutama terkait Tenses yang digunakan.
Pada kesempatan kali ini, soal meminta kita untuk membuat 50 tanggapan dari kalimat, "How are you doing?" Jika ditinjau dari segi makna, kalimat ini bermakna "Bagaimana kabarmu?" Hati-hati, kalimat ini sering disalahartikan sebagai "what are you doing?" Kedua kalimat ini sangat berbeda karena "What are you doing?" memiliki makna "Apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan?"
Berikut kakak akan mencoba membuat sebanyak mungkin (mungkin tidak mencapai 50 jawaban) untuk kalimat "How are you doing?"
1. I am fine, thank you.
2. I am good.
3. Great, thanks
4. Not so good today.
5. I am not feeling well.
6. Should I answer that question?
7. I have a cold.
8. A bit tired.
9. I am feeling dizzy.
10. Why do you care?
11. I think I'm going to vomit.
12. I think I am having a nausea.
13. Not as good as yesterday.
14. I am trying to feel well.
15. I think I have a migraine.
16. I think I have a stomachache
17. I think I have to go to see a doctor
18. Not so great. Can you call a doctor for me?
19. There is something wrong with my stomach. Can you please call my mother?
20. My mouth tastes weird. I am going to visit the doctor this morning.
21. My leg hurts.
22. My arm hurts.
23. I feel pain on my shoulder. I have to check it soon.
24. There is something wrong with my wrist.
25. I am feeling great today.
26. Fabulous, the sun can't hold my bright mood.
27. I need a sleep.
28. My eyes are getting heavier. See you soon.
29. As great as always.
30. As healthy as a racing horse.
31. There is something wrong with my eye. Can you please check it?
32. There is something wrong with my ankle. Perhaps I need to see a doctor.
33. I feel a bit sleepy.
34. Not as good as always.
35. Fantastic!
36. I am feeling gorgeous!
37. Charming!
38. As beautiful as a princess!
39. Wonderful!
40. Fantastic! I can't wait to show my magic!
41. I am feeling perfect!
42. Great! Not even the dark clouds can break my mood today.
43. I am feeling tired because I slept late yesterday.
44. Wonderful. How are you doing today?
45. Sorry, I am not interested in that question.
46. Great, but do I know you?
47. Fine, let's celebrate this morning.
48. Superb!
49. Fabulous! I am feeling perfect today!
50. As cool as the wind.
Contoh lain tentang kalimat tanya dapat kamu pelajari pada halaman berikut:
"How are you today?" bermakna "Apa kabarmu?" dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Kelas: VII
Mata pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris
Kategori: Kalimat tanya
Kata kunci: how are you, jawaban