September 2018 1 16 Report
Anglik.Exam challenges 1. str 62-63 cwiczenia:P
1. Spójrz na artykuł, mapę i zdjęcia. Jak myślisz, o czym jest ten artykuł?
a) a family holiday in africa
b) an expedition to help an animal in danger
c) collecting animals for zoos

2. Przeczytaj szybko tekst i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi w ćwiczeniu 1.

In 2003 eight teenagers went on an expedition called"serious desert".They went to Namibia in south-west Africa to help the black rhino, an animal that is very rare.
More than 6,500 teenagers wanted to go on "serious Desert", but there were only eight winners. They did some difficult tests in England. They swam in a dold lake,climbed high ropes and camped in strong winds. they also touched snakes and ascorpions, but they weren't scared. The group were in Namibia from 13 April to 5 may and there were lots of challenges. They travelled long distances, built camps and ate strange food. They tracked black rhinos and found aseful information about them.

The weather was also a problem. It was very hot in the day - sometimes 40°. At night, there were no clouds in the sky and so it was very cold. At the start of the expedition, there was even a lot of rain!

In the last week, the teenagers crossed the desert on foot with camels to the Skeleton Coast. This was a diffiuclt journey because the dunes were very high. When they arrived at the coast, they swam in the Atlantic Ocean. A fantastic en to a fantastic expediotion!

3. Przeczytaj artykuł ponownie i napisz czy zdania są prawdziwe [t] czy fałszywe [f].
1. The winners did some tests about animals and Africa.
2.The group was in Africa for three weeks.
3. There weren't any hotels for the group to stay in.
4. The weather changed very often.
5. The group wanted to sleep when theyarrived at the coast.

5. W tekscie znajdz ponizsze słowa.
1. the past Simple of: do , swim, eat , find ,

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