Angielski przetłumacz zdania: 1) ja nikogo nie widziałem w barze. 2) Czy widzisz coś? 3) On pracuje szybciej niż ja 4) Szkoda że nie mam nowego roweru 5) Czy możesz mi powiedzieć gdzie jest bank? 6) Gdybym miała pieniądze pojechałabym na wakacje. 7) Pierwszy samochód został zbudowany w 1899r.
I. I have not seen anyone in the bar 2. Do you see something? 3. He work faser then me. 4. It is a pity that I don't have the new bicycle 5. Can you tell me where is the bank? 6. If I had money I would go for holidays 7. The first car was built in 1899
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1) I havent seen anyone in the bar. 2) Do you see anything? 3) He is working faster than I Four I wish that I hadn't new Bike 5) Can you tell me where is the bank? 6) If I had money I will go on vacation. 7) The first car was built in 1899.
2. Do you see something?
3. He work faser then me.
4. It is a pity that I don't have the new bicycle
5. Can you tell me where is the bank?
6. If I had money I would go for holidays
7. The first car was built in 1899
2) Do you see anything?
3) He is working faster than I Four I wish that I hadn't new Bike
5) Can you tell me where is the bank?
6) If I had money I will go on vacation.
7) The first car was built in 1899.