Kupiłeś/łaś przez Internet towar, z którego nie jesteś zadowolony/a. Napisz list do firmy, która ci go sprzedała. - Poinformuj, co i kiedy kupiłeś/łaś. - Poskarż się na długi czas oczekiwania i brak reakcji na e-mail. - Podaj dwie wady kupionego towaru. - Powiedz, jakiego rozwiązania oczekujesz i wyraź nadzieję na szybką reakcję.
I am writing to you to complain about shoes I have bought on your website on the 10-11-09. I am really disappointed because of the time I had waited and that there was no reply for my email for a long time .When I recieved them and opened the box I've noticed that the shoes had a broken sole in the left shoe and there was a stain on the right shoe . I expect a full refund and a fast reply.
(adres firmy)
November , 18th , 2009
RE:Faulty shoes bought on 10-11-09
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to you to complain about shoes I have bought on your website on the 10-11-09.
I am really disappointed because of the time I had waited and that there was no reply for my email for a long time .When I recieved them and opened the box I've noticed that
the shoes had a broken sole in the left shoe and there was a stain on the right shoe .
I expect a full refund and a fast reply.
Yours sincerely