Jakiś czas temu znalazłeś/łaś zwierzę. W liście do znajomego z zagranicy napisz: • jakie to zwierzę i w jakich okolicznościach je znalazłeś/łaś, • dlaczego zdecydowałeś/łaś się wziąć je do domu i jak zareagowali inni domownicy, • jaki miałeś/łaś z nim problem i w jaki sposób go rozwiązałeś/łaś, • jakie masz obowiązki wynikające z jego posiadania i jak to wpłynęło na Twoje życie.
prosze na 120-150 slow
Dear .. (tu wstaw imię) I found an animal yesterday. I was very excited , when I saw this cat. I chose the best food for it and I went home. When my mum looked at me I was scared , but after that she also was happy. She sayed : You musn't foorsuck this beautiful cat . Then , she sayed :I know you . I sayed her : We musn't shed this cat ! It felt the emotions with us. I bought food for my cat . It slept in my bed . It didn't listening to us , so I taught Fiona (because she was a girl) a lot of tricks . I must feed Fiona in the morning , afternoon and at the supper and I must tidied behind her .Fiona was very happy when I spent lots of time with her. Myśle , że pomogłam jeśli bd miał/a jakieś problemy to napisz . ;)
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Cześć Tomek. Dwa dni temu w parku znalazłam małego pieska. Postanowiłam go wziąć bo miał taką piękną sierść i piękne zielone oczka. Rodzice byli wystraszeni, że przyniosłam cudze zwierzątko, ale namówiłam ich żeby z nami został, postawili mi jeden warunek żebym nim się opiekowała. Zgodziłam się. Miałam z nim problem gdyż nie chciał jeść kość, więc postanowiłam kupić specjalną karmę i od razu zaczął jeść i problem znikł. Musze teraz nim sie opiekować, wychodzić z nim na spacery, sprzątać po nim. Bardzo dobrze sobie z tym radzę. Cześć ......
Hi Tom. Dwa days ago in the park I found a small dog. I decided to take him because he had such beautiful hair and beautiful green eyes. Parents were scared that I brought someone else's pet, but I convinced them to us was, I put a condition that I took care of him. I agreed. I had a problem with him because he did not want to eat a bone, so I decided to buy special food, and immediately began to eat and the problem disappeared. Now I need to take care of him, go out with him on walks, clean up after him. Very good deal with this advice. Hi.............
I found an animal yesterday. I was very excited , when I saw this cat.
I chose the best food for it and I went home. When my mum looked at me I was scared , but after that she also was happy. She sayed : You musn't foorsuck this beautiful cat . Then , she sayed :I know you . I sayed her : We musn't shed this cat ! It felt the emotions with us. I bought food for my cat . It slept in my bed . It didn't listening to us , so I taught Fiona (because she was a girl) a lot of tricks .
I must feed Fiona in the morning , afternoon and at the supper and I must tidied behind her .Fiona was very happy when I spent lots of time with her.
Myśle , że pomogłam jeśli bd miał/a jakieś problemy to napisz . ;)
Dwa dni temu w parku znalazłam małego pieska. Postanowiłam go wziąć bo miał taką piękną sierść i piękne zielone oczka. Rodzice byli wystraszeni, że przyniosłam cudze zwierzątko, ale namówiłam ich żeby z nami został, postawili mi jeden warunek żebym nim się opiekowała. Zgodziłam się. Miałam z nim problem gdyż nie chciał jeść kość, więc postanowiłam kupić specjalną karmę i od razu zaczął jeść i problem znikł. Musze teraz nim sie opiekować, wychodzić z nim na spacery, sprzątać po nim. Bardzo dobrze sobie z tym
radzę. Cześć ......
Hi Tom.
Dwa days ago in the park I found a small dog. I decided to take him because he had such beautiful hair and beautiful green eyes. Parents were scared that I brought someone else's pet, but I convinced them to us was, I put a condition that I took care of him. I agreed. I had a problem with him because he did not want to eat a bone, so I decided to buy special food, and immediately began to eat and the problem disappeared. Now I need to take care of him, go out with him on walks, clean up after him. Very good deal with this advice. Hi.............