Communication corner 1 Try to express the ideas in each of the following situations: 1. W rozmowie telefonicznej z dyrektorem szkoły językowej w Brighton wyraź zdziwienie, że szkoła nie otrzymała jeszcze twoich danych osobowych. 2. Opisz koledze z Londynu swoją sympatię. 3. Zapytaj kolegę z kursu językowego w Cambridge o wygląd jego sympatii. Language tip - Use: look like 4. Opowiedz znajomej Amerykance, jaki styl ubierania się preferujesz. 5. Zapytaj kolegę obcokrajowca, jakie są jego ulubione ubiory. 6. Wyjaśnij swojemu angielskiemu koledze, że strój wybrany przez niego nie jest odpowiedni na galę teatralną. 7. Nie zgódź się ze swoim znajomym Irlandczykiem, że twój styl ubierania się jest staromodny. Language tip -Use: I can't agree with you that 8. Opowiedz swojemu znajomemu z Cambridge, po czym miałeś/aś rozpoznad na lotnisku osobę, której wcześniej nie widziałeś/aś. 9. Zapytaj swoją znajomą z Holandii, czy jej zdaniem cechy osobowości wpływają na sposób, w jaki się ubieramy. 10. W rozmowie z przyjaciółką z Walii wymieo te cechy charakteru, które twoim zdaniem, mają największy wpływ na sukces życiowy. 11. Zapytaj swojego znajomego z Anglii, z jaką osobą chciałby dzielid pokój. Language tip - Use: be like 12. Opisz swojej koleżance z Leeds reakcję twoich znajomych na zmianę twojej fryzury. 13. Opowiedz swojemu nauczycielowi z kursu językowego w Oxfordzie o swoich wrażeniach z pierwszego spotkania twojej grupy językowej. 14. Zapytaj swoją przyjaciółkę z Kanady, jak się czuła na spotkaniu z jej ulubionym aktorem. 15. Powiedz swojemu znajomemu Anglikowi, z jakim typem ludzi nie lubisz współpracowad.
1.What?! You didn`t get my apply? How could it happened? I`m very disappointed because I send it about two months ago! 2. My boyfriend is good lookin! I fell in love with him at the campsite about two months ago. He is amazing, he never lets me be sad and bored. I love spending my free time with him because he is very kind, romantic and of course warm hearted. 3.Hi, please tell me how does your girlfriend look like ? Tell me if she is nice and if she has a sense of humour. 4.I prefer casual clothes. I love waring traditional throusers and t-shirts full of fantastic tetes such as `I love NY` or `I love myself` . I hate skirts and dresses cause I think that they are very uncomfortable. 5. What is your favourite type of clothes? What do you prefer to wear: Casual- smart or mark clothes? 6.Oh Dereck your clothes aren`t suitable for that ocasion. This is a theatre gale so You have to wear suit. For that ocassdion I prefer smart clothes in wich you would Like very intelligent and handsome ;) 7.I can`t agree with You that my style is not modern. Oh, I do not thing that my style is oldfashioned . I like my style and I must say that many girls wear such `fashionable` clothes as mine. 8.I had to meet Mr. Douglas on the airport at 5 PM. i CAN`T go there so maybe You can do it by yourself. The men will be standing next to the cash and He will be wearind Black suit . Mr Douglas will be holding two orange suitcases in his hands. You won`t miss him because his hairdresser changedhis image into purple revolution. His hair are coloured into purple colour. 9.Please tell me what do you thing about peoples character. Is it true that it depends on way of aour style of clothes? 10.I think that one of the most important thing in life is to be happy . If we are happy we have an optimistic pooint of the life. 11.With who would You like to share your room? 12.OMG. when i changed my hairstyle my friends looked on me in amazement. I was shocked so did they.tHEY told that I look fantastic in my new hair ;D 13.When I firs time came here. I couldn`t belive my eyes. Everyone was happy and because of high standards of that school they were interested in learning indeed. 14.How did you feel wnen you met your favouurite actor ?
15. I hate that sot of people who are too demanding or if they think that they are one of the most impotant people in the life.
2. My boyfriend is good lookin! I fell in love with him at the campsite about two months ago. He is amazing, he never lets me be sad and bored. I love spending my free time with him because he is very kind, romantic and of course warm hearted.
3.Hi, please tell me how does your girlfriend look like ? Tell me if she is nice and if she has a sense of humour.
4.I prefer casual clothes. I love waring traditional throusers and t-shirts full of fantastic tetes such as `I love NY` or `I love myself` . I hate skirts and dresses cause I think that they are very uncomfortable.
5. What is your favourite type of clothes? What do you prefer to wear: Casual- smart or mark clothes?
6.Oh Dereck your clothes aren`t suitable for that ocasion. This is a theatre gale so You have to wear suit. For that ocassdion I prefer smart clothes in wich you would Like very intelligent and handsome ;)
7.I can`t agree with You that my style is not modern. Oh, I do not thing that my style is oldfashioned . I like my style and I must say that many girls wear such `fashionable` clothes as mine.
8.I had to meet Mr. Douglas on the airport at 5 PM. i CAN`T go there so maybe You can do it by yourself. The men will be standing next to the cash and He will be wearind Black suit . Mr Douglas will be holding two orange suitcases in his hands. You won`t miss him because his hairdresser changedhis image into purple revolution. His hair are coloured into purple colour.
9.Please tell me what do you thing about peoples character. Is it true that it depends on way of aour style of clothes?
10.I think that one of the most important thing in life is to be happy . If we are happy we have an optimistic pooint of the life.
11.With who would You like to share your room?
12.OMG. when i changed my hairstyle my friends looked on me in amazement. I was shocked so did they.tHEY told that I look fantastic in my new hair ;D
13.When I firs time came here. I couldn`t belive my eyes. Everyone was happy and because of high standards of that school they were interested in learning indeed.
14.How did you feel wnen you met your favouurite actor ?
15. I hate that sot of people who are too demanding or if they think that they are one of the most impotant people in the life.