September 2018 1 14 Report

W puste miejsce wpisz odpowiedną liczbę

a) _____ + 3⅔ = 10

b) 7½ - _____ = 5¼

c) ____ ·⅜ = 1

d) _____ - 2²/₅ = 3³/₁₀

e) 5 ÷ _____ = 10

f) _____ ÷³/₁₀ = 20

Sprawdź , która liczba jest rozwiązaniem równania . Połącz równanie z jego rozwiazaniem.

a = ¾ ; a = 10 ; a= 3½ ; a=3¾ ; a= 16 ; a= ¹/⁸

2a + 1 = 8

5a = 3¾

a : 6 = 1⅔

1¼ + a = 1³/₈

a - 2¼ = 1½

12 : a = ¾

jak coś to są to zad. 1 i 2 str 106 ćwiczenia Matematyka wokół nas część 1

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1 Napisz zdania ,wstawiając wyrażenia określające częstotliwość.przykład; Rob makes his breakfast. (always)Rob always makes his breakfast.a) He spends most of his time with Peter. (usually)..................................................................b) He plays chess. (twice a week)......................................................................c) He rides a bike to school. (sometimes).............................................................d) He plays jokes on people. (never)..........................................................e) He reades in French. (seldom)........................................................f) He is lazy on Sundays. (often)..............................................................2 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami w czasie prsent Simple lub present ContinuousSally usually gets up (get up) at seven o'clock. When she ...............(not go) to school ,she .................(stay) in bed till nine o'clock. Then she ............. (have) a shower and ..............(drink) a cup of tea and .............(make) a few sandwiches. But today is the first day of her holidays. It's six-thirty in the morning and she ...............(not sleep). Sally ............(pack) her suitcase because she ...............(leave) for a holiday at the seaside.3 Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazow a nastepnie odpowiedz na niea) home,always,do,?,have,lunch,at,you..............................................................b) you,to,planning,are,wakeend,?,do,next,what.......................................................................c) do,a,you,?,how,get,often,haircut............................................................d) you,do,shops,?,boy,in,CDs...........................................................e) brother,?,what,doing,moment,the,is,your,at......................................................................

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