Proszę o rozwiązanie zadań z tych dwóch załączników. Zadania nie są trudne a ja mam masę innych prac domowych do wykonania.
Jeżeli ktoś zrobi POŁOWĘ zadań NIE BĘDZIE to zgłaszane. Kto pierwszy zrobi wszystkie dostaję NAJLPESZĄ.
Proszę się nie bać, zadań nie ma dużo ;)
PS Wstawiam jeszcze 9 podobnych zadań na tej stronie, każde punktowane tak samo.
Dużo łatwych punktów dla Was do zgarnięcia ;)
@Jest to zadanie 6/9
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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(pierwszy załącznik)
2 is spoken
3 broke
4 are held
5 didn't tell
6 is interviewed
7 have been reported
8 are used
9 discovered
10 not be left
2 We haven't been informed about the changes to the train table.
3 My bicycle is being repaired.
4 Will he be punished for skipping school?
5 The telephone was invented in 1876.
6 Fresh fruit and vegetables are not sold here.
7 I discovered that our house had been burgled.
(drugi załącznik)
Constr added another... - Another two stories were added in 1890.
Before Americans built... - Before building of the first skyscraper, (resztę przepisz)
This was until a man... - This was until a discover of a way to make (reszta zd)
Another man named William... - Another discover was to use steel beams for the (reszta zd.)
Constructors completed the... - The building was completed in 1885, (reszta)
Everybody considers the... - The Home Insurance building is considered to be the (reszta zd.)
1 a
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 b
2 John had his car repaired.
3 A hairdresser had her hair cut.
4 Two men got their house painted.
6 We get newspaper every Friday.
Przepraszam, że nie wszystko, ale reszta była ponad moje aktualne zdolności trzeciogimnazjalisty. :)