My idealphone shouldbefast, freeaccessto the Internet.Memorythatwasnot limited tothe batteryuntil theyearstrong, goodgfika,largermemory card andFM radio withsuchawkami.In additionoczywiścelargetouchscreendisplay and a20megapixelphotocamera.Shouldplay moviesand have a5Dcameraforvideo calling.Housingmade of blackleather withelementminebiskiego.It has long beenthedream ofthe phone andbystrivingtohave it.Idislikemiłsnikimtechnology andgood facilities.
Mój wymarzony telefon powinien mieć szybki i darmowy dostęp do internetu. Pamięć aby była bez ograniczeń, wytrzymała bateria aż rok, dobra gfika, większa karta pamięci i radio ze suchawkami. Oprócz tego oczywiśce duży, dotykowy wyświetlacz i aparat foto 20 Mpx. Powinien odtwarzać filmy 5D oraz posiadać kamere do wideorozmów. Obudowa z czarnej skóry z elementmi nebiskiego. Od dawna marzę o takim telefonie i dąże do tego by go mieć. Jestem miłsnikim technologii i lubięć dobre wyposażenie.
If i met a goldfish and could make a choice of my the most imaginative phone ever it would have to be firstly handy,unique and covered from outside of its casing by brilliant diamonds.It would be necessary also to have phone features like a web camera,very hasty net and some reminder which can inform me about important cases in my everyday life.I wouldnt disdain if i could have an additional function like measurement of a speed time.It had better be made in the concept of unrepeatable,eye-catching style im order to assure many pepople who would rather get around with the newest miracles of digital technique which is being spread off all around the world by exchanges of interpersonal knowledge.The last wish of mine concerns an insane phone would be that i am not able to get along without a card memory not less than 16 gig capacity.
My idealphone shouldbefast, freeaccessto the Internet.Memorythatwasnot limited tothe batteryuntil theyearstrong, goodgfika,largermemory card andFM radio withsuchawkami.In additionoczywiścelargetouchscreendisplay and a20megapixelphotocamera.Shouldplay moviesand have a5Dcameraforvideo calling.Housingmade of blackleather withelementminebiskiego.It has long beenthedream ofthe phone andbystrivingtohave it.Idislikemiłsnikimtechnology andgood facilities.
Mój wymarzony telefon powinien mieć szybki i darmowy dostęp do internetu. Pamięć aby była bez ograniczeń, wytrzymała bateria aż rok, dobra gfika, większa karta pamięci i radio ze suchawkami. Oprócz tego oczywiśce duży, dotykowy wyświetlacz i aparat foto 20 Mpx. Powinien odtwarzać filmy 5D oraz posiadać kamere do wideorozmów. Obudowa z czarnej skóry z elementmi nebiskiego. Od dawna marzę o takim telefonie i dąże do tego by go mieć. Jestem miłsnikim technologii i lubięć dobre wyposażenie.
mam nadzieje że pomogłam pa :))
If i met a goldfish and could make a choice of my the most imaginative phone ever it would have to be firstly handy,unique and covered from outside of its casing by brilliant diamonds.It would be necessary also to have phone features like a web camera,very hasty net and some reminder which can inform me about important cases in my everyday life.I wouldnt disdain if i could have an additional function like measurement of a speed time.It had better be made in the concept of unrepeatable,eye-catching style im order to assure many pepople who would rather get around with the newest miracles of digital technique which is being spread off all around the world by exchanges of interpersonal knowledge.The last wish of mine concerns an insane phone would be that i am not able to get along without a card memory not less than 16 gig capacity.