October 2018 1 46 Report

za 35g cukierków trzeba zapłacić w zł. Ile trzeba zapłacić za 2 i 3/6 kg tych cukierków ?

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Zad. 1 przeczytaj poniższy dialog. uzupełnij luki 1-5 wybierając jedną z podanych możliwości a,b lub c tak aby otzrmać logiczny, spójny i poprawny językowo tekst.Peter: Dora, how often do you practise dancing ?Dora: oh, I 1.............. practise every day. it;s hard.Peter: Is it dangerous ?Dora: sometimes. last week, a friend of mine 2......... some expercise before the performance when she broke her leg.Peter: That's horrible ! i hope she gets better soon. anyway... What 3............ in your free time ?Dora: I love music, especialy punk rock. What are you laughing 4........... ?Peter Nothinh. I love punk rock, too. We can get together one day 5............ listen to The Clas..1. a) can b) have to c) don't have to2. a) did b) does c) was doing3. a) do you do b) did you do c) are you doing4. a) on b) from c) at5. a) but b) and c) soZad. 2przeczytaj poniższy tekst. spośród podanych w ramce wyrazów a-h wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie luk.a) getting b) angry c) when d) lost e) then f) taking g) caught h) scaredThe beauty and the beastThe top model gaga radcliffe, 28, was ........... a shower when she saw a huge snake looking over the toilet seat. At first, she was so ............ that she couldn't move. .......... she locked herself in the bathroom with the snake - her baby daughter was sleeping next door and she did not want her to get hurt. The snake got on the bathroom floor but Gaga finally ................. in under a bin and called RSPCA officers who took it away. experts think that the snake, which is not dangerous, travelled trought pipes after escaping a pet shop.Zad. 3Przeczytaj poniższe minidialogi. Z podanych odpowiedzi ( a, b i c) wybierz właściwą wypowiedz jednej z osob.1. X What did you like about the perfoemance ? Y ........................... X Really ? a) It was boring b) I loved it 1 c) The music was great2. X What would you like ? Y .................... a) I like pizza b) Oh, I can't decide..... c) Yes, please3. X When can you go out ? Y ................. a) Sounds great. b) Yesterday, I think c) Maybe tomorrowProszę na dziś

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