Napisz blog (opis jednego ciekawego dnia) po angielsku ;) prosze o pomoc ;) , bo leże z angola ;/
I get up at nine o'clock. I dresss up and eat my breakfast. Then I check e-mail. At quarter to ten I go out to school. My classes start at ten and end at four p.m. I come back to home at four fifty and eat dinner with my parents, after dinneri do my homework. Than i can watch TV and listen mucis form my mp3 player. At nine p.m. I take a shower than i spend some time surfing the Internet. At ten i eat supper and brush my teeth. At ten twanty i go to bed
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Jest sobota . Razem z koleżanką wybieram się do parku na rolki . Pogoda jest świetna . Jeździmy dwie godziny i wracamy do domu . Pod moim domem stoji jakiś samochód . Bałam się wejść do domu ale koleżanka mnie zachęciła . W domu siedział pan . Ja byłam wystraszona okazało się że to pan z konkursu który wygrałam . Byłam szczęśliwa .
Saturday is . I with friend choose to park on roll together . Weather is excellent . We go two hours and we come back to house . Under my house stoji some car . I feared to enter to house but friend encouraged me . Mister in house sat . I be frightened it turned out that then mister with competition which I won . I was happy .
Saturday is . I with friend choose to park on roll together . Weather is excellent . We go two hours and we come back to house . Under my house stoji some car . I feared to enter to house but friend encouraged me . Mister in house sat . I be frightened it turned out that then mister with competition which I won . I was happy .