ćw." Switch anto English." II gimnazjum.
In this Workbook (a) 118 pages there (b)100. There are Revision and Consolidation secionts to help you practise your grammar and vocabulary. At the back of yhe book there(c) a grammar reference section but(d) is a mini-dictionary . There is a list of irregular verbs on (e) 99. There(f) a photo of Tom Cruise on page 44 and a photo of Mel Gibson on page 74. There(g) any photos of Jennifer Lopez in this Workbook.
Jezeli ktos ma więcej zadań zrobionych z tych ćwiczeń to prosiłabym o nie.
z góry dziękuje.;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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a - aren't, b- are, c- isn't, d- there, e- paige, f - is, g - aren't