October 2018 1 21 Report

Pan Kargul obsiał 4/9 swojego pola żytem a 1/5 owsem. Połowę reszty pola wydzierżawił swojemu sąsiadowi panu Pawlakowi. Jaką część pola Kargula dzierżawił Pawlak?

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1.Uzupełnij opis domu gwiazdy, używając wyrazów z ramki. view, traditional, balcony, windows, holiday home This lovely house is our celebrity's ........ not his full-time residence. He comes here two or three times a year for a short break, to see friends, swim, go sailing or fishing. The ....... of the sea from the house is magnificet. The main bedroom has enormus ........., so you can look down to the house's beautiful private beach. The house os over 100 years old and is very ......... . There is a large ......... outside the living room, and it is famous for the parties which they have there. 2.Rozwiąż krzyżówkę. Across: - i'm taking the dog for a ....... now. -I don't ..... my room very often. -How often do you ...... the shopping? -Can you take the ....... out now, please? It smells bad! -Please clean the ...... in the bathroom. -Does your sister ..... her bed every day? Down: -I usually make my .... after I get up. -I'm doing the ...... at the moment,so you can wear your shirt tonight. -How often do you ..... the table after dinner? -Dan never does the ....... -up! -We ...... the dog out to the park every afternoon. -Go and tidy ......... ......... now! 3.Uzupełnij zdania, używając czasowników z ramki w czasie Present simple lub Present continuous. do, not wear, arrive, talk, not go, have 1.She ....... her homework at the moment. 2.I ....... to school on Sundays. 3.What time ....... they ........ diner on Mondays? 4It's very hot.We ............ jackets today. 5.They always ......... home at six o'clock. 6.You're on the phone again! ........... you ........... to David

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