September 2018 1 17 Report

Matematyka z Plusem 2 gimnazjum "nowa podstawa programowa"

zbiór strona 42 zadanie 10 i 11.

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Danusia jest o dwa lata starsza od swojej siostrzyczki Basi. Za rok Basia bedzie od Danusi o połowę młodsza. Ile lat ma Basia ??


Za koszulę i spodnie trzeba zapłacić 160zł. Gdy cenę koszuli obniżono o 25%, a cenę spodni obniżono o 30%, za 160 zł możemy kupić dwie koszule i spodnie. Ile kosztują spodnie po obniżce ?

Z góry wielkie dzięki ;O)

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Ćwiczenia New Adventures 2 "czerwone"Strona 25,26,str. 25 zad.3WYRAZY Z RAMKI:attractive 2x dangerous energetic healthy overweight responsible strong tired unhealthy... Jessica Simpson, is very ______. She has a very busy lifestyle, but has a _____ attitude to her health. She always tries to eat a lot of ____ food, and she goes to the gym a lot, so her body is _____ She's very slim-not ___ at all - and she usually feels quite ____.Another famous Simpson, Homer Simpson, has a very different lifestyle. Homer is perhaps most famous for his _____ diet and lifestyle. He eats alot of his food, which is ____ for his health. He often sleeps in front of the TV in the evening because he's _____. Maybe his wife, Marge, thinks that he's ____, but most people don't.zad.1 str. 26Mamy pamietnik jakiegoś Billa Food diary - Billy SupersizeMonday : salad 0, sandwiches 6, doughnuts 1small, rice 1 small portion, fisch 0, chips 1 small portion, juice 2 cans.Tuesday: crips 7 bags, burgers 6, vegetables 0, sansages 2, apples 1, cola 5 liters.I mamy uzyć some, any, much, many albo a lot of.On Monday...1. Billy didn't eat any salad. - przykład.2 He didn't eat ___ doughnuts.3 He ate ____ rice.4 He ate ____ sandwiches.On Tuesday...5 Billy didn't eat ____ fruit.6 He ate ____ sausages.7 He drank ____ cola8 He didn't eat ____ vegetables. zad. 3 str. 26NArysowane dwie dziewczyny i chłop gróby i mały.WYRAZY Z RAMKIenough too small doesn't enough too attractivePriscilla is thinking: 'Oh no! He definitely isn't ____ enough for me.Look at that stomach! He's ______ exercise. And I don't like his clothes. They're too ____, and they're not clean. Mmm, but he's got a lot of gold...'Eddie is thinking : ' Oh no! It's Priscilla. She's ___ boring for me - she doesn't like music and she____ go to enough parties. And she's underweight. She doesn't eat ___ ice- cream. Mmm, but she's got a pretty face.Z gory dzięki ;)

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