August 2018 1 84 Report
1. Wstaw brakujace litery do ponizyszych wyrazen:
a) I G_E_S
b) N_ W_Y
c) O_ C_UR_E N_
d) I D_ _ "T T_IN_ S_
e) A_ _ R_G_T
f) I A_RE
g) G_E_T

2.Uporzadkuj wyrazy tak aby utworzyc poprawne zdanie
1. agree/I m/I/you/ can t/ afraid/with /of/ ?
3. think/I/don t/you/leave/the can/ now/classroom
4. I/ coming/so/believe/late/home/a/idea/good/wasn t
5. you/Do/opinions/with/my/agree/mother s/ ?

3.Połacz wyrazy wyrazenia z dwoch rzedow tak aby utworzyc poprawne zwroty

1. I m quite 2. I don t 3.It sounds 4. I know it 5. Are 6. Perhaps
a) likely b) for sure c) certain d) you sure e) a clue f) I will

1........ 2....... 3......... 4....... 5....... 6.........

4. Wpisz brakujace wyrazy tak aby utworzyc włsciwe wyrazenia
1. I heve absolutely....... idea.
2. How did it.........? I can t believe it!
3. I didnt know anything.......... it.
4. I m afraid it won t......... possible
5. So, you re Polish. .......... than right?
6. I m ......... it s true. I ve just seen it?

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