Pocztówka Przebywasz na wakacjach w górach w Polsce. Napisz pocztówkę do znajomego Anglika, w której poinformujesz go: -gdzie mieszkasz -co robisz każdego dnia -co Ci się do tej pory najbardziej podobało -jakie są Twoje plany na następny dzień
Podpisz się jako XYZ. Limit 1/3 strony A4 (max 120słów). Oceniany przede wszystkim przekaz informacji.
Dear Sean, I'm at boot camp in polish mountains. It's really fun, because we have to sleep in tents and make our own food. Every day, we walk along, looking for another place good enough to settle down for a night. What I enjoy the most is sitting around the camp-fire and telling this amazing and sometimes fraightening stories. Last night I couldn't sleep, because I was so scared, can you believe it? Anyway, tomorrow we are going to hit Zakopane - it's a town placed underneath the mountains, I'm really looking forward for this - I can't remember when was the last time, when I used normal bathroom. Take care! XYZ
I'm at boot camp in polish mountains. It's really fun, because we have to sleep in tents and make our own food. Every day, we walk along, looking for another place good enough to settle down for a night. What I enjoy the most is sitting around the camp-fire and telling this amazing and sometimes fraightening stories. Last night I couldn't sleep, because I was so scared, can you believe it? Anyway, tomorrow we are going to hit Zakopane - it's a town placed underneath the mountains, I'm really looking forward for this - I can't remember when was the last time, when I used normal bathroom.
Take care!