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Ibnu firnas Abbas Ibnu Firnas atau Abbas Qasim Ibnu Firnas (dikenal dengan nama Latin Armen Firman) dilahirkan di Ronda, Spanyol pada tahun 810 M. Dia dikenal sebagai orang Barbar yang ahli dalam bidang kimia dan memiliki karakter yang humanis, dan kreatif.
Pria ini hidup pada saat pemerintahan Khalifah Umayyah di Spanyol
Pada tahun 852, Ibnu Firnas membuat pengumuman yang menghebohkan warga Cordoba saat itu. Dia ingin melakukan ujicoba terbang’ dari menara Masjid Mezquita dengan menggunakan jubah tanpa lengan yang dipasangkan di tubuhnya.
Dia berhasil mendarat walaupun dengan cedera ringan. Alat yang digunakan Ibnu Firnas inilah yang kemudian dikenal dengan parasut pertama di dunia.
Dia kembali melakukan serangkaian penelitian dan pengembangan konsep serta teori dari gejala-gejala alam yang diperhatikannya.
Karya-karya baru pun bermunculan dari buah pemikiran Ibnu Firnas. Di antara hasil karyanya adalah konsep tentang terjadinya halilintar, kilat, jam air, pergerakan benda-benda planet dan bintang, dan cara memotong batu kristal.
Pada tahun 875, Ibnu Firnas merancang dan membuat sebuah mesin terbang yang mampu membawa manusia. Setelah versi finalnya berhasil dibuat, ia sengaja mengundang orang-orang Cordoba untuk turut menyaksikan penerbangan bersejarahnya di Jabal Al-’Arus (Mount of the Bride) di kawasan Rusafa, dekat Cordoba.
Penerbangan yang disaksikan secara luas oleh masyarakat itu terbilang sangat sukses. Sayangnya, karena cara meluncur yang kurang baik, Ibnu Firnas terempas ke tanah bersama pesawat layang buatannya. Dia pun mengalami cedera punggung yang sangat parah sehingga Ibnu Firnas tak berdaya untuk melakukan uji coba berikutnya.
Kecelakaan itu terjadi karena Ibnu Firnas lalai memerhatikan bagaimana burung menggunakan ekor mereka untuk mendarat. Dia pun lupa untuk menambahkan ekor pada model pesawat layang buatannya.
Ilmuwan ini meninggal tahun 887 M/274 H, tepatnya sekitar 12 tahun setelah ia melakukan uji coba terbang keduanya. Cedera yang dialaminya saat melakukan uji coba penerbangan itu membuat kondisi kesehatannya semakin memburuk.
Ibnu firnas Abbas Ibn Firnas or Abbas Qasim Ibn Firnas (known as Armenian Latin name) was born in Ronda, Spain in 810 AD He is known as a Barbarian who is an expert in the field of chemistry and has a humanist, creative character.
This man lived during the reign of the Umayyad Caliph in Spain
In 852, Ibn Firnas made an announcement that shocked the citizens of Cordoba at that time. He wanted to do a flying test 'from the Mezquita Mosque tower using a sleeveless robe attached to his body.
He managed to land despite a minor injury. This tool used by Ibn Firnas was later known as the first parachute in the world.
He again conducted a series of research and development of concepts and theories of the natural phenomena that he considered.
New works also emerge from the thoughts of Ibn Firnas. Among the results of his work are concepts about the occurrence of lightning, lightning, water clocks, the movement of planetary and stellar objects, and how to cut crystal stones.
In 875, Ibn Firnas designed and made a flying machine capable of carrying humans. After the final version was successfully made, he deliberately invited the Cordoba people to take part in watching his historic flight in Jabal Al-'Arus (Mount of the Bride) in the Rusafa region, near Cordoba.
The flight witnessed widely by the community was fairly successful. Unfortunately, because of the poor gliding method, Ibn Firnas was thrown to the ground with his homemade glider. He also suffered a very severe back injury so Ibn Firnas was powerless to do the next trial.
The accident occurred because Ibn Firnas neglected to notice how birds used their tails to land. He also forgot to add a tail to the model of the airplane he made.
This scientist died in 887 M / 274 H, exactly about 12 years after he conducted his second flight test. The injury he suffered while carrying out the flight test made his health condition worse.
Ibnu firnas Abbas Ibn Firnas or Abbas Qasim Ibn Firnas (known as Armenian Latin name) was born in Ronda, Spain in 810 M He is known as a Barbarian who is an expert in the field of chemistry and has a humanist, creative character.
This man lived during the reign of the Umayyad Caliph in Spain
In 852, Ibn Firnas made an announcement that shocked the citizens of Cordoba at that time. He wanted to do a flying test 'from the Mezquita Mosque tower using a sleeveless robe attached to his body.
He managed to land despite a minor injury. This tool used by Ibn Firnas was later known as the first parachute in the world.
He again conducted a series of research and development of concepts and theories of the natural phenomena that he considered.
New works also emerge from the thoughts of Ibn Firnas. Among the results of his work are concepts about the occurrence of lightning, lightning, water clocks, the movement of planetary and stellar objects, and how to cut crystal stones.
In 875, Ibn Firnas designed and made a flying machine capable of carrying humans. After the final version was successfully made, he deliberately invited the Cordoba people to take part in watching his historic flight in Jabal Al-'Arus (Mount of the Bride) in the Rusafa region, near Cordoba.
The flight witnessed widely by the community was fairly successful. Unfortunately, because of the poor gliding method, Ibn Firnas was thrown to the ground with his homemade glider. He also suffered a very severe back injury so Ibn Firnas was powerless to do the next trial.
The accident occurred because Ibn Firnas neglected to notice how birds used their tails to land. He also forgot to add a tail to the model of the airplane he made.
This scientist died in 887 M / 274 H, exactly about 12 years after he conducted his second flight test. The injury he suffered while carrying out the flight test made his health condition worse.
Ibnu firnas Abbas Ibn Firnas or Abbas Qasim Ibn Firnas (known as Armenian Latin name) was born in Ronda, Spain in 810 AD He is known as a Barbarian who is an expert in the field of chemistry and has a humanist, creative character.
This man lived during the reign of the Umayyad Caliph in Spain
In 852, Ibn Firnas made an announcement that shocked the citizens of Cordoba at that time. He wanted to do a flying test 'from the Mezquita Mosque tower using a sleeveless robe attached to his body.
He managed to land despite a minor injury. This tool used by Ibn Firnas was later known as the first parachute in the world.
He again conducted a series of research and development of concepts and theories of the natural phenomena that he considered.
New works also emerge from the thoughts of Ibn Firnas. Among the results of his work are concepts about the occurrence of lightning, lightning, water clocks, the movement of planetary and stellar objects, and how to cut crystal stones.
In 875, Ibn Firnas designed and made a flying machine capable of carrying humans. After the final version was successfully made, he deliberately invited the Cordoba people to take part in watching his historic flight in Jabal Al-'Arus (Mount of the Bride) in the Rusafa region, near Cordoba.
The flight witnessed widely by the community was fairly successful. Unfortunately, because of the poor gliding method, Ibn Firnas was thrown to the ground with his homemade glider. He also suffered a very severe back injury so Ibn Firnas was powerless to do the next trial.
The accident occurred because Ibn Firnas neglected to notice how birds used their tails to land. He also forgot to add a tail to the model of the airplane he made.
This scientist died in 887 M / 274 H, exactly about 12 years after he conducted his second flight test. The injury he suffered while carrying out the flight test made his health condition worse.
This man lived during the reign of the Umayyad Caliph in Spain
In 852, Ibn Firnas made an announcement that shocked the citizens of Cordoba at that time. He wanted to do a flying test 'from the Mezquita Mosque tower using a sleeveless robe attached to his body.
He managed to land despite a minor injury. This tool used by Ibn Firnas was later known as the first parachute in the world.
He again conducted a series of research and development of concepts and theories of the natural phenomena that he considered.
New works also emerge from the thoughts of Ibn Firnas. Among the results of his work are concepts about the occurrence of lightning, lightning, water clocks, the movement of planetary and stellar objects, and how to cut crystal stones.
In 875, Ibn Firnas designed and made a flying machine capable of carrying humans. After the final version was successfully made, he deliberately invited the Cordoba people to take part in watching his historic flight in Jabal Al-'Arus (Mount of the Bride) in the Rusafa region, near Cordoba.
The flight witnessed widely by the community was fairly successful. Unfortunately, because of the poor gliding method, Ibn Firnas was thrown to the ground with his homemade glider. He also suffered a very severe back injury so Ibn Firnas was powerless to do the next trial.
The accident occurred because Ibn Firnas neglected to notice how birds used their tails to land. He also forgot to add a tail to the model of the airplane he made.
This scientist died in 887 M / 274 H, exactly about 12 years after he conducted his second flight test. The injury he suffered while carrying out the flight test made his health condition worse.