2 Przeczytaj tekst obok. Następnie dopasuj tytuły (A–F) do poszczególnych akapitów (1–5). Jeden nagłówek podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego akapitu.
A When you are thirsty
B When you feel cold or hot
C When you are bored
D When you are in pain
E When you are afraid
F When you are tired
Survival Camp
Bored with sunny holidays on the beach and climbing mountains with hundreds of people around? Looking for a challenge? We’ve got an offer that you will love.
1 ____ We can take you to the wild places you have only dreamed about. We organize groups of four and send you to deserted places for a week. Your new friends will support you if you get scared or depressed.
2 ____ You can only take one bag, so when the weather changes you have to find a way to solve your problems. You have no umbrella or extra clothes. You can use leaves and all the materials you find around. Think about Robinson Crusoe.
3 ____ You’ll be surrounded by water, but it’s sea water. You can collect rain for drinking and cooking. Remember to collect more than you need. You never know when it’s going to rain again.
4 ____ You have to learn to relax. You need energy for the next day. Give yourself a two-hour break during the day and a good night’s sleep. You’ll wake up as fresh as a daisy.
5 ____ You have to be careful with what you do and eat. It’s easy to hurt yourself and there is no doctor around. Still, herbs can always be found for a headache, stomach ache or cuts. You only have to know which are safe and which can be dangerous.
All in all, we can promise you unforgettable moments and some lessons that only nature can teach you. You will also learn a lot about yourself!
Gr b 2 Przeczytaj tekst obok. Następnie dopasuj tytuły (A–F) do poszczególnych akapitów (1–5). Jeden nagłówek podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego akapitu.
A When you are in pain
B When you are thirsty
C When you are bored
D When you are afraid
E When you are hungry
F When you feel cold or hot
Survival Camp
Bored with sunny holidays on the beach and climbing mountains with hundreds of people around? Looking for a challenge? We’ve got an offer that you will love.
1 ____ We can take you to the wild places you have only dreamed about. We organise groups of four and send you to deserted places for a week. Your new friends will support you if you get scared or depressed.
2 ____ You get no food from shops but you’ll get information about which plants can be eaten. You can also hunt or go fishing, but you only have some basic tools.
3 ____ You can only take one bag, so when the weather changes you have to find a way to solve your problems. You have no umbrella or extra clothes. You can use leaves and all the materials you find around. Think about Robinson Crusoe.
4 ____ No books, no MP3. Listen to nature and read the signs it leaves on the ground. You’ll be surprised how quickly time passes if you have your eyes and ears open.
5 ____ You have to be careful with what you do and eat. It’s easy to hurt yourself and there is no doctor around. Still, herbs can always be found for a headache, stomach ache or cuts. You only have to know which are safe and which can be dangerous.
All in all, we can promise you unforgettable moments and some lessons that only nature can teach you. You will also learn a lot about yourself!
1. A
2. C
3. E
4. F
5. D
Zad. 2
1. B
2. E
3. D
4. C
5. A