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I choose toRomefrom Warsawtakes youthere for about19 hours.The historiccenter of Romeis small, and most ofthe finestsights are withinwalking distanceof each other.On the easternbank of the Tiber, especially in thesouth ofPiazzaVeneziafocusremains of the ancientRome.The northwestand along theTiber River, betweenViadelCorsoand CorsoEmanueleIIWittorioaremonumentsfrom the period ofthe medieval town.It is difficult toidentifythe most importantmonument, butthe leadis certainlyleadsthe Coliseum, whichis in itscharacteristic shaperecognizablebyevery inhabitant of theearth.The Colosseumis aremnant of theancientamphitheater,the Romansiteof entertainmentand competitionsfrom the times ofthe Caesars.It is the largestpreservedancientbuildingin the city.Outsidethe Coliseumalsoworth a visitto the Pantheon,an ancient templelocated on theField of Mars.An importantremnant ofthe old daysis theRoman Forum, thetraditionalancient market,whichfocusedonpolitical and economic lifeof the city.The marketfor centurieshas been completelydestroyed andits remainsowe their existence tothe work of thearchaeological site.Themore recentmonumentsworth mentioning arethe Trevi Fountain,a monumentalconstruction ofthe eighteenthcenturywith the dimensions20x26metersofthe Arc de Triomphein the center andnumerousfigures.Sacred objects, of course,the Sistine ChapelandSt. Peter's basilica.Peter.Of special interest arealsothe Spanish Steps,leading toTrinitidei Montichurch.Stairsare considered thelongest andwidest inEurope.Romeattracts millions oftourists,notdiscourage even theastronomical prices.
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