November 2018 1 35 Report

1.Two frinds are discussig what to give their friend Johanna as a birthday present. Compete the sentences using will or be going to.

A. What (1) _________ (you buy) Johanna for her birthday? I can't make up my mind.

B. Well, I (2) _________ (adopt) an animal at the wildlife park for her. I've got all the detalis here - it's a squirrel called Rupert!

A. A squirrel! She (3) _______ (love) that! What a good idea. Do you have an idea on what I can get?

B. Well, I know she (4) ________ (visit) the Rockies next summer. Why not get her a guidebook?

A. That's good suggestio. I (5) ________ (have) a look on the internet. Let me see, yes, this one looks interesing. I think I (6) _________ (buy) her that. Don't say anything to her.

B. I (7) ________ (say) a word, I promise.

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1. Uzupełnij tekst do zadania z ustnego egzaminu maturalnego właściwymi formami czasowników. I can see several people in the park. In the foreground, there is a dog and two children, probably a brother and a sister. They are walking (walk) the dog on the lead. The dog _______ (look) quite strong and the children ______ (try) hard to hold on to him. I _______ (not think) the boy could cope with the dog himself, he definitely ________ (need) his sister's help. In the distance I can see a couple - probably the children's parents. They _______ (follow) them with big smiles on their faces. I think the woman _______ (wave) at somebody. They both _______ (seem) vey happy and relaxed. All the people in the picutre are dressed quite warm. They _______ (not wear) coats but everybody has a jumper or a warm sweater. It must be a spring or an early autumn day. Everybody in the picture is happy and the dog _______ (enjoy) the good weather, too! 2. Przetłumacz podane fragmenty zdań na język angielski. Przykład: Tom says he can speak German, English and Spanish but I don't belive (nie wierzę) him. A. He _________ (nigdy nie rozmawia) to Carmela when _______ (ona przyjeżdża) to visit us during the summer. B. _______ (nie sądzę) they ______ (potrzebują) our help. Let's leave them alone - they're doing fine. C. Listen to that! They _______ (kłócą się) again! ________ (wydaje się) like they ________ (mają) a big argument evey other day. D. Barbara _______ (mieszka) in this area until she can find a flat somewhere else. ________ (nie podoba się jej) it here - it's noisy,, dirty and she ________ (nie czuje się) safe. E. Stop it! _______ (robisz) so much nosie and your father _______ (próbuje) to concentrate. These young people nowadays! ______ (stają się) more and more disrespectful.

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