Uzupełnij wypowiedź wyrazami z ramki. brakes, junction, motorway, petrol, speed, traffic, tyre We couldn't get out of the city, as there were massive _______ jams everywhere. Once we got onto the _______, is got better. After a while we stopped at a ________ station (...). And then as soon as we started again, we had a flat _______. After that, it was already wuite late and Dad started driving quite fast - over the _______ limit, in fact. Mum asked him if the _______ weren't working and helooked embarrassed and slowed down. When we finally got off the motorway at _______ 17 and turned into a minor road (...).
1. traffic 2. motorway 3. petrol 4. tyre 5. speed 6. brakes 7. junction
2. motorway
3. petrol
4. tyre
5. speed
6. brakes
7. junction