1.Przetłumaczyć na angielski... i jak ktoś da spama to urwę jaja ! Piotr Pustelnik jest doktorem chemii, pracownikiem naukowym Wydziału Inżynierii Procesowej i Ochrony Środowiska Politechniki Łódzkiej Jako trzeci z polskich himalaistów zdobył wszystkie 14 szczytów liczących powyżej 8000 m n.p.m. Koronę zamknęło wejście na Annapurnę (8091 m n.p.m.) w dniu 27 kwietnia 2010 r. o 13:45 czasu lokalnego. Dokonał tego jako trzeci Polak w historii po Jerzym Kukuczce i Krzysztofie Wielickim. Polak dopiero za trzecim razem zdobył szczyt Annapurna. Wcześniej próbował tego w 2006 i w 2008 roku. Pustelnik jest twórcą projektu "Trzy Korony", czyli pomysłu na zdobycie Korony Ziemi, Koronki Ziemi (drugie co do wysokości szczyty kontynentów) i Korony Himalajów. Do 2007 był redaktorem naczelnym miesięcznika górskiego "n.p.m." W 2007 został nagrodzony nagrodą Explorera. Wychowanek, wieloletni członek i kilkukrotny prezes Akademickiego Klubu Górskiego w Łodzi. Współorganizator marszobiegu Lawiny i imprezy Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy w schronisku "Samotnia" PTTK.
Hermit Peter is a doctor of chemistry, a researcher of the Faculty of Process Engineering and Environmental Technical University of Lodz. As the third of the Polish Himalayan climbers scored all 14 peaks of over 8000 m above sea level Crown closed entrance to Annapurna (8,091 m) on 27 April 2010 about 13:45 local time. He did this as the third in history after the Pole Jerzy and Krzysztof Wielicki Kukuczce. Pole only the third time he won the summit of Annapurna. Previously tried this in 2006 and in 2008. Hermit is the creator of the "Three Crowns", ie the idea of winning the Crown of the Earth, the Earth's Lace (second on the amount of peaks continents) and the Crown of the Himalayas. By 2007 he was editor of the monthly mountain "asl" In 2007, he was awarded the prize Explorer. Alumnus, long-time member and president of the Academic kilkukrotny Mountain Club in Lodz. Co marszobiegu Landslides and events of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in a shelter, "Bleak House" PTTK.
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Hermit Peter is a doctor of chemistry, a researcher of the Faculty of Process Engineering and Environmental Technical University as a third of the Polish Himalayan climbers scored all 14 peaks of over 8000 m above sea level, the Crown has closed the entrance to the Annapurna (8,091 m) on 27 April 2010 to 13: 1945 local time. He did this as the third in history after the Pole Jerzy and Krzysztof Wielicki Kukuczce. Pole only the third time he won the summit of Annapurna. Previously tried this in 2006 and 2008. Hermit is the creator of the Three Crowns, ie the idea of winning the Crown of the Earth, the Earth Lace (second on the amount of peaks continents) and the Crown of the Himalayas. By 2007 he was editor of the monthly mountain altitude In 2007, he was awarded the prize Explorer. His career, long- kilkukrotny member and president of the Academic Mountain Club in Lodz. Co marszobiegu Landslides and events of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in a shelter, Bleak House PTTK.
As the third of the Polish Himalayan climbers scored all 14 peaks of over 8000 m above sea level Crown closed entrance to Annapurna (8,091 m) on 27 April 2010 about 13:45 local time. He did this as the third in history after the Pole Jerzy and Krzysztof Wielicki Kukuczce. Pole only the third time he won the summit of Annapurna. Previously tried this in 2006 and in 2008. Hermit is the creator of the "Three Crowns", ie the idea of winning the Crown of the Earth, the Earth's Lace (second on the amount of peaks continents) and the Crown of the Himalayas.
By 2007 he was editor of the monthly mountain "asl" In 2007, he was awarded the prize Explorer.
Alumnus, long-time member and president of the Academic kilkukrotny Mountain Club in Lodz. Co marszobiegu Landslides and events of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in a shelter, "Bleak House" PTTK.