August 2018 2 17 Report
1.Która z wymienionych krain geograficznych nie należy do pasa nizin
a) WAł Trzebnicki
b) Niecka Nidziańska
c) polesie Lubelskie
d) Gabr ŁÓdzki

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In Dublin in Ireland students at Trinity College can ask for a glass of wine at any time during an exam - but they must have a sword ! This law is from long ago when only the sons of rich men when to university and they all carried swords. In Scotland , if someone comes to your house and asks to use the toilet, you have to say yes ! A strange English law says that it is illegal for taxis in the City of London to carry dead people - their customers must be alive ! There is also an English law about sending letters - you must not put a stamp of the King or Queen upside down on the letter !The USA has some finny old laws too. In Indiana it is illegal to have a barth in winter . If you steal soap in Arizona - you won't get the death panalty , but you must wash yourself with the soap until you finish it. In Michigan a woman's hair belongs to ger husband, so she is not allowed to cut her own hair without his permission . Perhaps the strangest law is from lllinois - it is illegal to speak EnglishAnd here are the laws we think are the strangest ! In Miami , Florida it is illegal to skateboard in a police station. In Switzerland it is illegal to cut the grass on a sunday, and you cannot do your washing , either . In Colorado ( USA ) it is illegal to land your hoover to your neighbour so you can't do the hoovering if you haven't got your own hoover. It is illegal to eat a traditional Christmas cake ( a mince pie ) on Christmas day in England ! why did these things become illegal ? we just don't know !PRZETŁUMACZYĆ proszę tylko nie tłumaczem ;D NA JUTRO ważne

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