November 2018 1 65 Report

1.kiedy bylo pokonanie mieclawa i przylaczenie mazowsza do polski? 2. koronacja B. Śmiałego? 3. śmierć biskupa Stanisława ze Szczepanowa? KRZYZÓWKA: 1.Starszy przyrodni brat Mieszka II 2.Możnowładca sprawujący władzę na Mazowszu do 1047r 3.Najstarsza Polska moneta 4.Region ktory mieszko II spustoszyl w 1028=1030 r 5. Danina płacona przez jednego władce innemu 6.drugi obok św. Stanisława patron polski 7.kraj do ktorego uciekl Bolesław smiały po smierci biskupa Stanisława 8.Kronikarz Gall ... 9.Książę czeski ktory wywiozł z gniezna relikwie sw. Wojciecha... PILNE!!!!!!!!!!

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H20- this precious liquidWater is everywhere. It covers 70% of the wordl surface and makes up. 60% of the human body. According to the united nations, we need five liters of water a day just to survive, and another 50 liters for cooking, was hing washing and sanitation. Yet only three % of the planet's water is fresh- and most of this is frozen in the Antarctic and Greenland. Even so, there is still enough water for the earth's 6.5 billion people. In fact, there are ten milion cubits kilometers of water available each year. Now, that's a lot of H2O. Global warming is causing some strange effect on weatcher on rainfall, and an increase in the number of hurryicanes. What's more, rain is falling in the wrong places, with serious consequences. In parts of Africa people have to dig deeper wells, as the underground lakes that supply them are running dry. As usual, it is the poorest people in the world who suffer the most. One billion people worldwide are hungry because they don't have enough water to grow food. Polluted drinking water is the main cause of infant mortality. Fortonately, there are people who believe that access to clean water is a basic human right. The other day a friend gave me a key ring. The key ring was from the polish humanitarian organisation I collect water. I ''collect water'' organises workshops for students, provides teachers with educational materials, sells "water for Africa" key rings and T-shirts, and collects donations from people and businesses. Before, the idea of this precious liquid being easily available was just a dream, but the campaing "I collect water" has given many people access to clean water for the first time. PILNE TŁUMACZENIE DAJE NAJ!! ;)

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