August 2018 2 18 Report
1.Jakie powody podał polski rząd zajmując część Czechosłowacji w 1938 r.?
2.Kto był drugim prezydentem II Rzeczypospolitej?
3.Kiedy doszło do zamachu na pierwszego polskiego prezydenta?
4.Z jakimi państwami w latach 30.XX w. Polska podpisała porozumienie o nieagresji.
5.Z jakimi państwai w latach dwudziestych XX w.Polska zawiązała sojusze wojskowe?
6.Podaj dwa żądania ,które wysunął Hitler wobec Polski przed wybuchem II wojny światowej.

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prosze o rozwiazanie a jesli jet poprawne uzycie jednego z 2 czasow zdaniu to tze prosez napsic te 2:P1. John ................... reading. (not, like)2. ................... any of you ................... sports regularly? (play)3. I rarely ................... newspapers. (read)4. Yesterday I ................... you talking to a stranger. (see)5. Tonight we ................... to the opera. (go)6. Right now he ................... on the phone. (talk).7. You are late, the lesson ................... fifteen minutes ago. (start)8. When ................... the Beatles ................... their first album? (record)9. On Friday I ................... to the boss about a rise. (talk)10. These days we ................... a lot. (work)11. My father ................... maths at a secondary school. (teach)12. I ................... any book now. (not, read)13. ................... you ................... anything yesterday? (buy)14. When I ................... (go) home, I ................... (meet) John.15. At this moment he should ................... his final exam. (write)16. Jane ................... to Washington tomorrow. (fly)17. Don't disturb me while I ................... (work).18. Holidays ................... last Friday. (begin)19. At midnight I ................... still ................... home. (drive)20. Every Sunday we ................... to church. (go)21. When I ................... (wake up), the sun ................... (shine) and the birds ................... (sing).22. Look, the sun ................... (set)23. In summer the sun ................... about nine o'clock PM. (set)24. While I ................... (sleep), he ................... (clean) the house and ................... (prepare) dinner.25. What ................... you ................... yesterday at 11 AM? (do)26. I ................... never ................... to Australia. (be)27. ................... you already ................... your car? (wash)28. He ................... just ................... back. (come)

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