Mam do przetłumaczenia:
1. Po wyglądzie zewnetrznym nie możemy oceniać ludzi, bo pierwsze wrażenie może być błędne i możemy przysporzyć komus przez to przykrosci.
2. To nie jest dziwne że nastolatkowie słuchaja tej samej muzyki co ich rodzice, ponieważ mogą miec podobne gusta i upodobania.
3. Uważam że rodzice czesto rozumieją dzieci, lecz nie rozwiązują problemów w sposób dogodny dla dzieci po to by je chronić.
4. Nie zgadzam sie z tym ze harcerze i skauci w tych czasach są staromodni, ponieważ oni mają swoje prawdy, którymi sie kierują i dlatego są szanowani.
5. Nastolatkowie dzisiaj ni są podobni do nastolatków 40 lat temu, bo żyją w innych czasach i inaczej są wychowani.
mam do wykorzystania:
giving opinions:
in my opinion...
if you ask me ...
to be honest...
it seem...
as for as i am...
justifying opinions:
everybody knows that...
the reanson...
i mean...
look at...
if you think...
the thing is...
Prosze o szybką odpowiedź . Potrzebuję na jutro...;/
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. After the appearance, we can not judge people, because the first impression may be wrong and we can bring someone through this unpleasantness.
2. It is not surprising that teens listen to the same music as their parents because they may have similar tastes and preferences.
3. I think they understand that parents often children, but do not solve problems in a convenient way for children in order to protect them.
4. I do not agree with that of the scouts and scouts these days are old-fashioned, because they have their own truth, which he headed, and why they are respected.
5. Teenagers today than teenagers are like 40 years ago, because they live in different times and are brought up differently.
1.After the appearance, we can not judge people, because the first impression may be wrong and we can bring someone through this unpleasantness.
2.It is not surprising that teens listen to the same music as their parents because they may have similar tastes and preferences.
3.I think they understand that parents often children, but do not solve problems in a convenient way for children in order to protect them.
4.I do not agree with that of the scouts and scouts these days are old-fashioned, because they have their own truth, which he headed, and why they are respected.
Teenagers today than teenagers are like 40 years ago, because they live in different times and are brought up differently.
Myślę,że jest dobrze :)