1. who wrote the announcement 2.who is the announcement for 3. what is the anouncement about 4. how long does the term last 5. how does the registration occur?what does that mean? 6. what will the school do to the other applicants when all student sports are full 7. what do the participants receive
bantu yaaa
1. the Mc.Master Mini-Med School's Headmaster 2. The McMaster Mini Med School's Student 3. The Announcement is about to register in the new year of teaching 4. From Tuesday, 3 March 2009 untill April 14 2009 5. The ragistration will be held on first day of school 6. "All other will be placed in waiting list and will be contacted as spots are avaible 7. A Reserved Spot in Mcmastermini med school class 2009 An "Official" Mini med tote bags An "Official" Mini Med School Clipboard and pen An "Official" Mini Med School Stadium Blanket An "Official" Mini Med School Travel book light A Mini med School Certificate of Attendance
2. The McMaster Mini Med School's Student
3. The Announcement is about to register in the new year of teaching
4. From Tuesday, 3 March 2009 untill April 14 2009
5. The ragistration will be held on first day of school
6. "All other will be placed in waiting list and will be contacted as spots are avaible
7. A Reserved Spot in Mcmastermini med school class 2009
An "Official" Mini med tote bags
An "Official" Mini Med School Clipboard and pen
An "Official" Mini Med School Stadium Blanket
An "Official" Mini Med School Travel book light
A Mini med School Certificate of Attendance