September 2018 2 64 Report

1. Uzupełnij luki słowami job oraz work. Pamiętaj, że work to rzeczownik niepoliczalny, a job to rzeczownik policzalny.

1. Christ works for the local radio station He's got a really interesting ____.

2. Johnny is a cleaner. at the hospital. It's really hard ____.

3. I'm sorry. I can't talk to you now. I've got to go to ____.

4. Dan has been looking for a ____ for months.

5. Ellen's found a holiday ____ at a musić shop. She's really happy.

6. Unemployment is very high in our town and it's difficult to find ____.

7. My neighbour has just lost his ____. He's very depressed.

2. Uzupełnij zdania przyimkami: as, for (x 4), of, on (x 2).

1. He works ____ a big international company.

2. She works ____ a receptionist.

3. I'm working ____ a new invention.

4. She's in charge ____ the music department of a big shop.

5. What do you do ____ a living?

6. He applied ____ a job in Thailand.

7. She's responsible ____ all the correspondence on the office.

8. The workers felt so angry about the bad working conditions that they went ____ strike.

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Trzeba wypełnić wykropkowane miejsca poniższymi wyrażeniami w odpowiedniej formie.put my arm aroundtake three hours to get thereput somebody in charge oftake somebody/something for grantedput a plan into practicetake responsibility for somethingput pressure on somebodytake drugstake no noticeput his work firsttake parttake a risktake placetake my advice- '... you ever ...?' 'Well, things like aspirin, yes, but never anything illegal.'- The wedding ... in an old country church. It was lovely. But it was miles from here! It ...- My mother was crying so I ... her and told her not to worry.- The older you get, the more you have to learn ... for your own life. You have to look after everything yourself.- I told you that boy was no good for you. You should have ...and had nothing to do with him.- The police ... a very good ... and they caught the thief at the airport.- He's betting £10,000 on that horse. He ... a very big ... . He could lose a lot!- Two thousand people ... in a demonstration against experiments on animals yesterday.- My boss has been ... a lot of ... me to finish the report by the end of the week.- I tried to get the teacher's attention but she ... of me at all. She just ignored me.- Children just think that their mum and dad will always be there for them. They never say 'Thank you' or 'How are you?' They just ... their parents ... .- He never thinks about his home and family. He always ... .- I was delighted to be ... of the under-fives, because I love working with little children.

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