1. seluruh anggota pramuka diharap berkumpul hari jum'at jam 14.00. tertanda: bu ninuk, pembina. 2. seluruh anggota tim basket sekolah diminta mengikuti latihan di lapangan basket sekolah jam 14.30 pada hari sabtu. tertanda: pak jumirin, pembina team basket. terjemahkan ke b.inggris yaaa
1. All the scout members are expected to gather on Friday at 14.00
Signed, the builder Mrs. Ninuk
2. All the members of the basketball team was asked to join the practice in the basketball court at 14.30 on Saturday Signed Mr. Jumirin
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1. all members are expected scouts gathered friday at 14.00. signed: ms.ninuk constructor 2. all members school basketball team following trains at school yard at 14.30 on saturday. signed: mr.jumirin, basketball team coach
Signed, the builder
Mrs. Ninuk
2. All the members of the basketball team was asked to join the practice in the basketball court at 14.30 on Saturday
Mr. Jumirin
2. all members school basketball team following trains at school yard at 14.30 on saturday. signed: mr.jumirin, basketball team coach