1) Przeczytaj tekst i do kazdego akapitu (a-e) dopasuj odpowiedni tytul (1-5).
1. In the forest a legend is born
2. The legend continues
3. The young soldier
4. A Slovak hero
5. A tragic end
Teksty 1, 2, 3, 4 i 5 w zalącznikach :)
2) Odpowiedz na pytania.
1. Where was he from?
2. How did he become the capitain og a group of outlaws ?
3. How and when did he die?
4.Why did he become a legend?
3) Popatrz na scenę z legendy o Juraju Janosiku. Na podstawie powyżeszego tekstu napisz kim sa ludzie na obrazku i co soe z nimi dzieje. ( obrazek w zalączniku)
4) Opisz w paru zdaniach bohatera ludowego lub polska legende. ( prosze o polskie tlumaczenie rowniez :) )
Proszę o odpowiedz. Naprawde nie wiem jak to zrobic :D
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1) Przeczytaj tekst i do kazdego akapitu (a-e) dopasuj odpowiedni tytul (1-5).
1. In the forest a legend is born - B
2. The legend continues - E
3. The young soldier - C
4. A Slovak hero - A
5. A tragic end - D
1. Where was he from? - He was born in Terchowa. / From Terchowa
2. How did he become the capitain og a group of outlaws ? - He met a prisoner Tomas Uhorcik, leader pf a gang of outlaws while he was serving in the Emperor's Army and joined him in his escape and later he became the capitan of his group.
3. How and when did he die? in 1713 soldiers caught him in the pub
4.Why did he become a legend? - People considered him a symbol of resistance. He was a good man that were helping poor people, he gave them hope.
3) Popatrz na scenę z legendy o Juraju Janosiku. Na podstawie powyżeszego tekstu napisz kim sa ludzie na obrazku i co soe z nimi dzieje. ( obrazek w zalączniku)
The picture shows many people, they are probably in inn. On the first plan is Janosik and he looks like running away from soldiers that they're behind him. There is also an old woman that is spreading something from a basket that she is holding in her hands and old man in the background that looks shocked about that situation. (w sumie to jest opisane w akapicie D)
4) Opisz w paru zdaniach bohatera ludowego lub polska legende. ( prosze o polskie tlumaczenie rowniez :) )
A thousand years ago, there lived three brothers, Lech, Czech, and Rus. For many years they had been content in their villages, but the families grew larger and they needed more room to live. The brothers decided to travel in different directions to search for new homes.
One day Lech saw a spendid sight. He and his troops had come to a place where a meadow surrounded a small lake. They stopped at the edge of the meadow as a great eagle flew over their heads. Lech stared at the beautiful sight. "Here is where we will stay!" declared Lech. "Here is our new home, and we will call this place GNIEZNO ... (the eagle's nest).
Tysiac lat temu zyło sobie 3 braci lech czech i rus. przez wiele lat byli zadowoleni z ich wiosek jednak kiedy ich rodziny się rozrozły potrzebowali wiekszej przestrzeni do życia. bracia zdecydowali wyruszyc w rożnych kierunkach aby znależć nowe miejsce do zamieszkania. pewnego dnia lech zobaczył znakomity widok. on i jego oddziały wojskowe dotarli do miejsca gdzie znajdowało się małe jezioro otoczone łąką. zatrzymali się na skraju łąki kiedy orzeł przeleciał nad ich głowami. lech patrzył na ten piękny widok. "tutaj zostaniemy" zadeklarował Lech. "tutaj jest nasz nowy dom i nazwiemy to miejsce GNIEZNO (gniazdo orła).