October 2018 1 75 Report

1. Przeczytaj poniższy dialog. Uzupełnij luki 1-3, wybierając jedną z podanych możliwości. A, B lub C, tak aby otrzymać logiczny, spójny i poprawny językowo tekst.

A: Excuse me, I'm looking .............. a bookshop.

A - after, B - at, C - for

B: I'm afraid it's quite far from here. It would be best ............. you could take a taxi.

a- if, b- unless, c- as soon as

A: I have a travel card. Can I take a bus or underground?

B: Certainly. TYou could take the 45 bus and at the fifth stop ........... for the 50 bus. The bookshop will be at the third stop.

a- jump, b- turn, c- change

2. Uzupełnij rady dla turystów odpowiednimi czasownikami.

1- ................ not travel without inserance.

2- .............. out about important phone numbers, e.g. your embrassy abroad.

3- ......... sure that your passport is valid.

4- ............. your doctor before you go on an exotic trip.

5- ................ copies of important travel documents.

6- ................ someone where you are going.

7- ................. enough cash with you.

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