1. Proszę uzupełnic przysłówkami i potem przetłumaczyć.
1. If I was President, i'd act...
2. I get annoyed when people speak....
3. We must try to live....
4. I admire people who do things...
5. People in my town drive....
6. I usually work....
2. Uzuepełnij zdania II Condtitionalem i przetłumacz
1. I'd be frightened if....
2...... we would all be bored.
3. Life would be interesting if....
4...... if the police didn't exist.
5..... i'd go to the USA.
6...... if I had the opportunity.
Daje naj !!!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. if I was President I'd act wisely. (jesli bylabym prezydentem to postepowalabym mądrze)
2. I get annoyed when people speak fast. (denerwuje sie kiedy ludzie mowia szybko)
3. We must try to live healthy. (musimy starac sie zyc zdrowo)
4. I admire people who do things disinterested. (podziwiam ludzi ktorzy robia rzeczy bezinteresownie)
5. People in my town drive carefully. (ludzie w moim miescie jezdza ostroznie)
6. I usually work hard. (zazwyczaj pacuje ciezko)
1. I'd be frightened if I saw a big spider. (przestraszylabym sie, jesli zobaczylabym duzego pajaka)
2. If we went to the museum we would all be bored. (jesli pojdziemy do muzeum to wszyscy bedziemy znudzeni)
3. Life would be interesting if I could travel abroad a lot. (zycie byloby interesujace jesli moglabym podrozowac duzo za granice)
4. People would kill each other if the police didn't exist. (ludzie pozabijaliby sie na wzajem gdyby policja nie istniala)
5. I could sightsee New York if I'd go to the USA. (moglabym zwiedzic nowy jork, jesli pojechalabym do usa)
6. I would learn tp play guitar if I had the opportunity. (moglabym uczyc sie gry na gitarze, jesli mialabym okazje)