1. proszę o sprawdzenie e-maila do kolegi i poprawienie ewentualnych błedów.
Hi Haku,
How are you? Hope you're fine.
I was in London for two weeks. When I went to the bus station, I met my aunt. Her name is Alina and she's a very interesing person. She's crazy about computers and keen on cinema. In every afternoon we went to her home and watched movies all night. I hope we'll meet next year in Poland.
Have a nice day.
2. Is it better to be beautiful but stupid or ugly but clever? Why do you think so?
proszę o podanie 2-3 przykładów. ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Haku,
How are you? Hope you're fine.
I was in London for two weeks. When I went to the bus station, I meet my aunt. Her name is Alina and she's a very interesing person. She's crazy about computers and keen on cinema. We went to her home in every afternoon and watched movies all night
. I hope we'll meet next year in Poland.
Is it better to be beautiful but stupid or ugly but clever? Why do you think so?
In my opinion better is to be ugly and clever, because for me beauty isn't important thing in life. When we are clever we can work in better place and earn more money then person who is stupid.
1) She's crazy about computers and keen on cinema.
~~~~ She's crazy about computers and she's keen on cinema.
(W tym wypadku trzeba dodać to ,,she is")
2) In every afternoon we went to her home and watched movies all night.
~~~~ Every afternoon we were watching movies all night.
(Przed określeniem, które się powtarza nie piszemy ,,in", robimy to tylko gdy wydarzyło się to jeden raz, np. In the afternoon I was doing my homework.
Co do ,,we went" sądzę, że lepiej byłoby napisać ,,we came back" jako wracałyśmy, ponieważ ,,went" to iść, a wy wracałyście i już tam spałyście.
,,We were watching" jest formą ciągłą i dlatego tak, a nie ,,we watched".
Poza tym wszystko w jak najlepszym porządku :)
2. I think that it's better to be ugly and clever, cause the most important things we have got inside. Our apperance can change, but everything what we have inside will be the same. When we are in love with somebody we should think about what this person has inside, not about apperance, cause as I said, it can change. Ugly and clever people sometimes can be more valuable than beautiful and stuppid.