September 2018 1 22 Report

1. Oblicz 0,8:2^{2} + \sqrt{0,81}

2. Znajdź liczbę 15% liczy 2^{2} * (-5)^{2} - \frac{(-10)^{2}}{ \frac{1}{2}}

3. Napisz wyrażenie: iloczyn kwadratu sumy liczb a i b przez sumę kwadratów liczb a i b.

4. Oblicz wartość liczbową wyrażenia (a - 3) - (a +1) (a-1) + (a + 2)^{2}, dla a = -1

5. Rozwiąż równanie (x - 3) (x + 5) =x^{2}

6. Znajdź zbiór rozwiązań nierównosci: \frac{4x}{3} - \frac{2}{5}\geq x

7. Podaj wsółrzędne punktów przecięcia się wykresu funkcji f(x) = x+ \frac{1}{2} z osiami współrzędnych.

8. Oblicz pole koła opisanego na trójkącie równobocznym o boku 6cm.

9. Oblicz wartość liczbową wyrażenia: (3x - 1)^{2} + 9x - (3x - 1)(3x + 1) 2\sqrt{2}

10. Rozwiąż równanie: 4 - \frac{x}{3} = \frac{2x}{6}

11. Podaj najmniejsza liczbę całkowitą spelniającą nierówność: (x + 4)^{2}\geq 5 - x(3 - x)

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ayudenme es urgente porfa Past Simple (Pasado simple) Last night we _____ (walk) to the cinema. ------------------- ------------------- Sam _____ (stop) the car to take a picture. ------------------ ------------------ : I _____ (study) for the exam for three hours. ------------------ ------------------ : They _____ (be) happy to be home. ------------------ ------------------ : Sally _____ (be) disappointed she _____ (miss) the party. ----------------- ----------------- : When I was young, we always _____ (go) to Florida for the summer --------------- --------------- Dan _____ (not/work) last week. --------------- --------------- : _____ you _____ (wash) the dishes? ------------------ ------------------ : I _____ (dream) I could fly last night. ---------------- ----------------- : We _____ (meet) them at the restaurant 1. Write c for countable and u for uncountable: time - books C- sugar - milk - pens - hair - chairs - meat - butter - pencils - bread - jam - friends - fingers - flour - apples - oil - cars - salt - houses - cheese - rice - tea - games - tomatoes - cream - honey - carrots - a) a / an + singular countable noun ( a pen, an apple) some + plural countable nouns - positive sentences ( There are some cars) some + uncountable nouns - positive sentences ( There is some oil) any - we use any in negative sentences and in most questions.(countable and uncountable nouns) I don't have any pens. There isn't any salt. Do you have any sisters? 2. Choose a, an, some or any a) It is ____ dog. b) Have you got _______ friends? c) I bought _____ milk. d) Linda has not got _______ pets. e) There is ____ orange on the table. f) Tim eats _____ cheese every day. g) We don't have______ bread. h) My brother found ____money. i) My sister found_____ pen. j) Do you have _____ eggs? k) There are _____ students in the classroom. l) Is there ___________pencil on the desk? b) how much - we use with uncountable nouns how many - we use with countable nouns. 3. Choose How much or How many a) _______ cheese do you buy? b)__________ books are there in your bag? c)________ films did Tom see last week? d)__________ money do you spend every week? e)_________ friends does Linda have? f)__________ sugar do we need? g) ___________ tomatoes are there in the fridge? h)________ meat are you going to buy? i) ________ milk did you drink yesterday? j) _________ apples do you see?

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