1. jechałem do domu kiedy zatrzymała mnie policja 2. kiedy czytałem książkę zaczął padac deszcz 3. kiedy robiłem zakupy spotkałem kolege 4. odrobiłem lekcje i zadzwoniłem do Marty 5. rodzice oglądali film kiedy ja grałem na pianinie 6. spotkałem Maćka i poszliśmy do szkoły 7. rozmawialiśmy z Kingą kiedy zadzwonił jej telefon 8. jedliśmy śniadanie kiedy nagle zobaczyłem mysz w rogu pokoju 9. musisz iść prosto a następnie skręcić w prawo 10. przejdź przez most , omiń aptekę i skręć w prawo
I was driving to home when police stopped me. When I was reading a book, it started raining. When I was doing the shopping, I met my friend. I did my homework and called to Martha. Parents were watching a film when I was playing the piano. I met Maciek and we went to school. We were talking with Kinga when her cellar phone called. We were eating breakfast, when suddenly I saw the mouse in the corner of the room. Go straight, then turn right. Go through the bridge, pass by chemist's and turn right.
When I was reading a book, it started raining.
When I was doing the shopping, I met my friend.
I did my homework and called to Martha.
Parents were watching a film when I was playing the piano.
I met Maciek and we went to school.
We were talking with Kinga when her cellar phone called.
We were eating breakfast, when suddenly I saw the mouse in the corner of the room.
Go straight, then turn right.
Go through the bridge, pass by chemist's and turn right.