1) Hi, my name is Jane and i'm twelve years old. Igo to hillslide scholl. I'm in class 1a.
2) My favourite subjects are english, history, art and music. I don't like geography because I'm not very good at it!
3) My favourite teacher is mr green. He teaches history and he is very nice. My best friend is called Rachel she is in my class.
Underline the personal pronous in the text. Who do they refer to?
i to pretłumaczyć: fill in the form about you and yuur school.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1) Witam, mam na imię Jane i mam 12 lat. Chodzę do szkoły na zboczu wzgórza. Jestem w klasie 1a.
2) Moje ulubione przedmioty to angielski, historia, plastyka i muzyka. Nie lubię geografii, poznieważ nie jestem w tym dobry.
3) Moim ulubionym nauczycielem jest Pan zielono. Uczy historii i jest bardzo miły. Mój najlepszy przyjaciel nazywa się Rachel i jest w mojej klasie.
I - ja
It - to
He- on
She - ona
fill in the form about you and your school. - wypełnić formularz o Tobie i Twojej szkole.
1. my - refers to Jane
I - Jane
I - Jane
I - Jane
2. My - Jane
I - Jane
I - Jane
3. My - Jane
He - mr green
he - mr green
My - Jane
she - Rachel
1. I'm molka223 and I go to primary school. I'm in class (wpisz tu Twoją klasę, np 3a).
2. It is very big, there are 2 buildings. I like Maths and Geography, I'm very good at it. I have got a friend, which name's Tom.
3. He is very good swimmer. I like him, but he has got a girlfriend.
4. She is older than me. She's name is Jennifer. I don't like her. Even though she is pretty and nice, Tom still is her boyfriend.