October 2018 1 62 Report

1 .co to są alkochole i jak są zbudowane ich cząśteczki ?

2. jakie są właściwości i zastosowanie :




3. co to są kwasy karboksylowe i jaka jest budowa ich cząśteczek . ?

4.jakie właściwośći i zastosoawnia mają kwasy

- metanowy(mrówkowy)

-etanowy (octowy) oraz wyżśze kwasy karboksyolwe ?

5. co to są mydła ?

6. co to są estry , jak powstają , i jak są zbudowane ich cząśteczki ?

7. jakie właściwości i zastosowania mają estry ?

8. co to są aminy i jak są zbudowane ich cząsteczki ?

9.co to są aminokwasy i jak sązbudowane ich cząśteczki ?

10.co to jest wiążanie pepydowe ?

11. co to są polipedy ?

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1. complete the dialogue with te adjectives in the box and too or not enough . BIG , CHEAP , BRIGHT , DARK , EXPENSIVE Ella : look at these yellow trainers ! Jim : i like black but these are _______ i 've also got big feet and they aren't _______ for me . Ella : hoe about these ? are they ______ for you ? Jim : yes the colour's fine , but I don't like them. Ella : look at the prince they're ____________ Jim : you're right . look at those blue trainers . they"re ____ for me . 2. smoking cuses many diseases like lung cancer . bronchitis and heart diseanse . cigarette smoke contains more than 4.000 chemicalas . many of these chemical products are bad for our body . the theree worst ingredlents in cigarette smoke are nicotine carbon monoxide and tar . tar is a black sticky liquid that is used to bulid roads . you can't see tar in cigarette smoke but it is there and it goes directly to your lungs . it often causes cancer . Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas witch takes the place of oxygen and causes heart problems . nicotine is bo better as in addictives . this means your body startes to need it . nicotine makes your heart go faster than it should . teengagers sometimes start smoking because they think it makes them look older . now that your know how bad it is for your health , the most inteligent decision is to say "no" to smoking . smoking is more expensive than buying CDs and , of course , more boring than listening yo music . Don't smoke ! buy new CDs instead and listen to them ! a) what are the worst ingredients of cigarette smoke ? ________________________________________________b) where can yo find tar apart from in cigarette smoke . ?_________________________________________________c) why is tar so bad for you ?______________________________________________d) how does nicotine affect your heart ? _______________________________________________e) why do some teenagers start smoking ?______________________________________________

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