1. Change the adverbial clauses in the following sentence into adverbial phrase A. Because Rima knew that I didn't have money, Rima paid for a meal B. While I was driving past the bank, I saw Jeffry
2. Turn these sentences into indirect sentences A. " We will call this child ' Issumboshi ', " they said B. " I'm going now, " Issumboshi said
A. Knowing that I didn't have any money, Rima paid for the meal.
B. While driving past the bank, I saw Jeffry.
Adverbial phrase tidak mempunyai subject, jadi hilangkan subject dalam adverbial clause nya dan ubah main verb ke dalam non-finite verb (present participle atau past participle).
Kata sambung dalam adverbial clause of reason (because, as, dll) tidak dihilangkan sedangkan kata sambung dalam adverbial clause of time (before, after, when, while, dll) dihilangkan.
A. They said that they would call that child Issumboshi.
B. Issumboshi said that he was going then.
Jika pada direct speech kata kerja pengantarnya dalam past tense (said, told, dll) maka terjadi pergeseran tense di indirect speech.
A. future (will) → past future (would)
B. present (am) → past (was)
Kata ganti orang pertama (I, we) selalu merujuk pada pembicara.
A. We = they
B. I = Issumboshi
Beberapa adverb dan demonstrative adjective juga mengalami perubahan:
Verified answer
A. Knowing that I didn't have any money, Rima paid for the meal.
B. While driving past the bank, I saw Jeffry.
Adverbial phrase tidak mempunyai subject, jadi hilangkan subject dalam adverbial clause nya dan ubah main verb ke dalam non-finite verb (present participle atau past participle).
Kata sambung dalam adverbial clause of reason (because, as, dll) tidak dihilangkan sedangkan kata sambung dalam adverbial clause of time (before, after, when, while, dll) dihilangkan.
A. They said that they would call that child Issumboshi.
B. Issumboshi said that he was going then.
Jika pada direct speech kata kerja pengantarnya dalam past tense (said, told, dll) maka terjadi pergeseran tense di indirect speech.
A. future (will) → past future (would)
B. present (am) → past (was)
Kata ganti orang pertama (I, we) selalu merujuk pada pembicara.
A. We = they
B. I = Issumboshi
Beberapa adverb dan demonstrative adjective juga mengalami perubahan:
A. this → that
B. now → then
Learn more about reduced adverbial clause:
Learn more about indirect speech:
Subject: English
Category: Structure and Written Expressions
Sub-category: Reduced Adverbial Clause; Reported Speech
Level: SHS XI
Code: 11.5.6 - Complex sentence
Keywords: reduced adverbial clause, indirect, reported, reducing