1) Byłeś świadkiem kradzieży w sklepie. Opowiedz koleżance: - jak wyglądał złodziej, - co i w jaki sposób ukradł, - kto go złapał i w jakich okolicznościach
2) Kupujecie prezent dla kolegi - zaproponuj kupno sprzętu sportowego - odrzuć propozycję kupna obuwia i dlaczego, - zaproponuj kompromis.
3 ) Twój kumpel dostal szczeniaczka -powiedz ze nie zgadzasz sie na psa, argumentuj -dlaczego pies nie moze byc w mieszkaniu -jakie miejsce najlepsze bys dla niego wybrał
Dam naj !
1 The thief was wearning a black coat and black trousers. He had a hat on hair. He stole chains and rings. Policeman cough the thief. He bought vegetables next. 2) Meybe We will buy sports equipment No, We can't buy shoes, because We don't know your size. Phone to Ann and ask her what would have bought.
3 ) We can't have a dog on home, because I have allergy a animals. The dog destroys furniture and peeing on the carpet. You mast return dog. I'm sorry
He stole chains and rings.
Policeman cough the thief. He bought vegetables next.
Meybe We will buy sports equipment
No, We can't buy shoes, because We don't know your size.
Phone to Ann and ask her what would have bought.
3 )
We can't have a dog on home, because I have allergy a animals.
The dog destroys furniture and peeing on the carpet.
You mast return dog. I'm sorry