Zredaguj list do kolegi(Leon) z Usa, w którym opowiesz o swoich planach na wakacje.(Po angielsku)
Napisz: *Jakie są twoje wrażenia na temat zakończonego roku szkolnego. *Jakie masz plany na wakacje. *Zaproś kolegę go wspólnego spędzenia kilku dni. (50-100) Jak coś to jestem chłopakiem! :) Potrzebne na dzisiaj :P
This summer i want to forget about this school year it was horible i had so much work , I need to rest and reset my mind , I will probably stay at home like every year but this this year i want to change that , i whould like to visit spain and chill out at the bitch and just do nothning , just relax . I hope that you will go with me and we could chill out together . We allways can visit barcelona stadium like you always wanted to. Hope to see you soon XYZ