zorganizowałeś mecz piłki nożnej w celu zebrania pieniędzy na swój klub sportowym Napisz Napisz e-maila do swojego przyjaciela informując go o 1.szczególnych wydarzeniach gdzie i kiedy miało miejsce oraz w jakich cenie były bilety 2.rzeczach które fani zakupili w miejscu przekąski napoje koszulki sportowe 3.powodzie dla którego zdecydowałeś się na zorganizowanie meczu Napisz od 50 do 120
I'm writing this email to you to inform you that I have organized a fundraising football match to collect some money for my sport club.This event took place in 25 th June 2020 on stadium in the centre of my city - London.The prices of tickets were moderate - something about 5 pounds.People were able to buy some souvenirs from this match such as a t-shirts or some fast foods.I decided to organize this event to collect some money for my club due to lack of money.I also wanted to improve some club's buildings.We always wanted to raise payments for our footballers.I hope you are feeling weel.Write me soon.
From : XYZ
To : John
Hello John! How are you?
I'm writing this email to you to inform you that I have organized a fundraising football match to collect some money for my sport club.This event took place in 25 th June 2020 on stadium in the centre of my city - London.The prices of tickets were moderate - something about 5 pounds.People were able to buy some souvenirs from this match such as a t-shirts or some fast foods.I decided to organize this event to collect some money for my club due to lack of money.I also wanted to improve some club's buildings.We always wanted to raise payments for our footballers.I hope you are feeling weel.Write me soon.