Znajomy anglik ma zamieszkac w twoim domu podczas twojej nieobecnosci w kraju.napisz do niego krotki e-mail,w ktorym przypomnisz mu o zasadach korzystania z mieszkania dotyczacych: 1.słuchania wieczorami glosnej muzyki 2.wpuszczania do domu osob postronnych 3.regularnego karmienia twojego zwierzecia 4.utrzymania porzadku pomozcie blagam POTRZEBUJACA POMOCY
I'm glad that you're staying in our house. Here are some house rules. Please, don't listen to music loudly in the evenings. Remember, don't let strangers into our house. Feed Reksio and give him water every day. And tidy up the rooms and keep the house clean.
I'm glad that you're staying in our house. Here are some house rules. Please, don't listen to music loudly in the evenings. Remember, don't let strangers into our house. Feed Reksio and give him water every day. And tidy up the rooms and keep the house clean.
See you soon.