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Vincent van Gogh is a very fomous painter. Everyone in the world knows his work, and his paintings sell for millions of dollars. But he wasn't famous when he was alive, and he only sold one painting before he died.
Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands in 1853. He had a difficult life because he suffered from mental illness. He never got married. He didn't begin to draw and paint seriously until he was 27, and he died just ten years later. But in that time, he produced more yhan 2,000 paintings and drawings.
At first, Van Gogh painted poor people and used only dark colours. Later he moved to the south of France. He loved the sunlight there, and his style of painting became colourful and exciting. But Van Gogh was often depressed and his mental illness became worse. First he cut off part of his own ear, and then in 1890, he shot himself.
1)When was he born?
2) Where was he born?
3) Which countries did he live in?
4)Was he famous when he lived?
5) Was he rich or poor?
6)How much do his paintings cost now?
7) When did he start do draw or paint?
8) Did he get married and have children?
9)How many works of art he produce?
10)How old was he when he died?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1Van Gogh was born in 1853
2 Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands
3 in the Netherlands in the france
4 he wasn't famous when he was alive, and he only sold one painting before he died
5 he was poor
6 his paitings sell for milions of dollars
7 when he was 27
8 He never got married.
9 he produced more whan 2,000 paintings and drawings.
10 he was 37
1. Vincent was born in 1853.
2. Van Gogh was born in Netherland.
3. He lived in Netherland and France.
4. No, He wasn't famous when he live.
5. He was poor.
6. Now he's paintings cost a few milions dollars.
7. He started draw when he was 27.
8. No, He was single.
9. He produced more than 2000 drawings and painings.
10. He was 37 when he died.