Zmieniłeś miejsce zamieszkania, napisz list do kolegi.
ma bys w nim zawarte gdzie teraz mieszkasz, jak w nowym miejscu jest , jaka jest nowa szkoła
Uwagi; ma to byś prosty list na etapie elementary, bez wystepowania trudnego słownictwa.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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hi ____-
I ' m writing to you, because i moved!
Our new street is really pretty, and our house is really big. It's white, with red roof.
We hav a lot of plants in front og garage.
I hav new school! I met cool friend in there. Her/His name is ____
Shes/hes nice. School is big, and red with a lot of windows and a lot of classes in it.