Zgubiłeś odtwarzacz MP3, który pożyczyłeś od koleżanki. Napisz list, aby ją przeprosić.
-Opowiedz, co się stało.
-Przeproś i obiecaj, że jej to wynagrodzisz.
-Zapytaj co mógłbyś dla niej zrobić
Od 80 do 150 słów, najlepiej tak 110 :)
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Dear Katie,
How are you doing? I hope that everything's OK just like it was when you wrote to me last time. Actually, I'm writing to apologize to you. It's a bit hard for me to say or even write it but I've lost your MP3 player. Yes, the one you lent me a week ago. I was at the mall, shopping with my mom, while the player was in my jacket pocket and somehow I lost it there. I hope you'll not be too angry with me about that. I promise I'll buy you a new one but I don't remember all the names of the songs. Could you tell me what I could do fo you to compensate your loss? I apologize one more time.
Take care,