Zgubiłeś odtwarzacz MP3, który pożyczyłeś od koleżanki. Napisz do niej list, aby ją przeprosić. Najlepiej tak z 80-90 słów.
Proszę ma na jutro :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hello [imię koleżanki]!
How are you? Do you remember the last time we've seen each other? You showed me your new mp3 player at that time and we listened to some of your music. You le tme borrow it and later we went ice skating. But something horrible happened! I can't find it anywhere and I think I must have lost it when I was on the bus yesterday. I am very sorry! If you want, I can buy you one as a recompense. Again, I'm terribly sorry.
See you next time.
Policz słowa, jak będzie za dżo to usuń to zdanie o ice skatingu powinno być ok. a jak za mało to dopisz co tam jeszcze mogła/eś robić.
Hi Ann !
Can you remember the last time, when i was in your house???, and you borrow me your favourite MP3 player?? So, I want tell you, that when I came back my home I went to a restaurant, and I was there about 1 hour. I met a lot of new friends, but.................. I forgot your MP3 player. After 2 hours I came back to the restaurant, and looked for MP3 player. I didn't found it. I very sorry, and I promise, that I redemption you your MP3 player.